The director of the Division of Epidemics reveals that the number of coronavirus infections will peak in the middle of March

The director of the epidemic division reveals that the number of coviral infections will peak in the middle of March, but asks to focus on the critically ill patients and warn of smuggling workers to repeat the epidemic

On February 19, Dr. Chakrarat Pittayawong Anon Director of the Division of Epidemiology, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) said that the current situation of the Covid-19 outbreak It is a characteristic that spreads in all clusters, diffuses in all clusters. Whether it’s in the family circle, workplace or friends, most of them are addicted to doing activities together. dining Because it is the period when masks are taken off, while the chance of infection from unknown people is almost nonexistent. because there is no talking or eating together It is expected that The number of infected people remains stagnant and will climb even higher. Because at this moment, he has begun to relax and return to his normal life. including driving the economy

“An important factor that found the number of patients increased. come from both omikron that is easy to apply, spreads quickly But self defense remains the same. opening an event More businesses, so if the vaccine is complete Include stimulation needles or 3 needles and have strong personal measures, wear a mask. Strictly, having a distance and washing your hands can relieve some concerns. So don’t be afraid, but be careful,” said Dr. Chakrarat.

Dr. Chakrarat added that the group that still has special concerns is the 608 group because of the critically ill rate. Intubation and death are still in this group. Some people are not vaccinated or not fully vaccinated. Therefore, vaccinations should be received as scheduled. and would like people to understand the situation of increasing infections that mostly asymptomatic but should monitor the number seriously ill person and intubation Because these groups That is, people with symptoms have to stay in the hospital only. At the same time, when the economy is driven, it will be seen that the number of smuggled workers to the city to play a part in driving the economy has increased. Therefore, employers Must expedite the introduction of workers who come to receive the vaccine. complete to prevent infection However, expected The number of infected patients is likely to peak around mid-March, but if everyone helps to be careful. The chances of getting infected can be reduced.



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