The Diocesan Bishop in Isnotú: “The doctor of the poor practiced poverty and charity”

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Eduardo Viloria / DLA

The Diocesan Bishop of Trujillo, José de la Trinidad Fernández Angulo, said when referring to José Gregorio Hernández, that the Doctor of the Poor – as he was called – preferred poverty to the wealth that money gives, his behavior being the same as Jesus. , hence his behavior as a saint of the people, a saint of charity.

Called for 10 in the morning, the mass or religious service dedicated to the Doctor of the Poor, when 160 years had passed since his birth, began ten minutes after 11, with the spaces in the place completely filled with people where it was located. the altar

“José Gregorio always trusted in the providence of the Lord, pointing out that the true solution to problems is achieved by always trusting in God, as the Doctor of the Poor did.”

José Gregorio Hernández, said the Bishop, is an example to follow, it is a great moment when we celebrate a new year of his birth, worthy of being celebrated just as we did with his beatification in the middle of the street in the city of Caracas, that is what it is for. It is necessary to believe in God as José Gregorio Hernández believed, because the word of God does not pass away.

The bishop surrounded by Priests towards the improvised altar in front of the El Rosario temple.

He learned the faith from his mother

José Gregorio Hernández, Bishop Monsignor Fernández also expressed, learned the faith from his mother, that is why we can point out that mothers must help their children to encounter God, because what each mother transmits to her children is faith, Every mother – in addition – knows how to talk to her children, said the Diocesan priest.

This faith from mother to son was inherited by José Gregorio Hernández who saw Jesus as the Saint of the People, as the Apostle of Charity, as he lived, as a man of trust and faith, who came to him from the grace of God, being also the Physician of the Poor an apostle of prayer.

The Bishop did not fail to point out in the homily, which he greeted all the doctors, so that they imitate José Gregorio Hernández in his works of charity, that like the Blessed it is necessary to overcome evil, pointing out that violence only generates violence. May our Lady María de la Paz help us to be men of life, may José Gregorio Hernández live, said the priest, raising his voice, before blessing the Eucharistic bread distributed by the priests present in the same place.

After the religious ceremony was concluded, the party continued, which those present would enjoy both in the place where the mass was celebrated, and in the streets of Isnotú, noting the prohibition of entering vehicles, due to the large number of people who came. present at the activity, where members of the Bolivarian National Police, Regional Police and National Guard were also present, special operations by security agencies to monitor the well-being of the people who arrived on the various walks, celebrated by believers in the cult that is kept to José Gregorio Hernández, the Doctor of the Poor.

The mayor of Rafael Rangel, Sonia Silva, was present at the activity.


#Diocesan #Bishop #Isnotú #doctor #poor #practiced #poverty #charity

Interview with Diocesan Bishop José de la Trinidad Fernández Angulo on the Legacy of José Gregorio Hernández

Interviewer: ⁣ Thank you for joining‍ us today, Bishop Fernández. You recently celebrated the 160th anniversary of José Gregorio Hernández’s birth. What does this occasion mean to you and the community?

Bishop Fernández: Thank you for having me. Celebrating the life of José Gregorio ⁤Hernández is⁣ a profound moment for our ⁢community. He is⁢ not only revered as the Doctor of the Poor, but his life exemplifies charity, trust in God, and devotion to those in need. ‌This anniversary provides us an opportunity to reflect on his values and to inspire others to follow his example.

Interviewer: You mentioned that he preferred poverty over wealth. Can you elaborate on‍ this perspective?

Bishop Fernández: Absolutely. José Gregorio lived a life of humility, akin to Jesus. He prioritized serving the needy and demonstrating love through his actions rather than pursuing material wealth. His ⁢life teaches us⁢ that true fulfillment ​comes from helping others and trusting in divine providence.

Interviewer: ‍ During the mass, you emphasized the importance of faith.‌ How did José Gregorio’s ‌family, particularly his mother, influence his spiritual journey?

Bishop Fernández: José Gregorio learned the essence of faith from⁣ his mother. She instilled in him a deep love for ​God, which is crucial for all parents to⁣ embody. The way mothers convey faith to their children shapes​ their spiritual paths. José Gregorio‍ became a beacon of hope and faith, and his devotion reflects the values he inherited at home.

Interviewer: You also highlighted the key role of doctors in the community. What message⁣ do you hope⁣ to impart to them?

Bishop Fernández: I urge doctors to emulate José Gregorio‍ Hernández’s ⁢commitment to charity⁤ and service. Medicine⁤ is not merely a profession but a calling to care for the⁣ sick and marginalized. They must remember that through their ⁤work,⁣ they can help overcome violence⁢ and suffering⁣ in society.

Interviewer: In your homily, you referenced overcoming evil⁤ and promoting life. Can​ you share your⁢ thoughts on the current social climate?

Bishop Fernández: Our society faces numerous challenges,‍ including violence and despair. It is vital to ​promote peace and life. Just like José Gregorio, we must work towards healing our community ⁣by extending compassion and support​ rather⁤ than perpetuating cycles of violence. Our hope‍ lies in our collective commitment⁤ to embodying love and charity.

Interviewer: Thank you, Bishop Fernández, for sharing your insights on the‌ legacy of José ‍Gregorio Hernández. Your ​message of faith and charity is truly inspiring.

Bishop Fernández: Thank you for the opportunity to discuss this important figure in our history. May we all strive to ​live out the values he championed.

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us today, Bishop Fernández. You recently celebrated the 160th anniversary of José Gregorio Hernández’s birth. What does this occasion mean to you and the community?

Bishop Fernández: Thank you for having me. Celebrating the life of José Gregorio Hernández is a profound moment for our community. He is not only revered as the Doctor of the Poor, but his life exemplifies charity, trust in God, and devotion to those in need. This anniversary provides us an opportunity to reflect on his values and inspire others to follow his example.

Interviewer: You mentioned that he preferred poverty over wealth. Can you elaborate on this perspective?

Bishop Fernández: Absolutely. José Gregorio lived a life of humility, akin to Jesus. He prioritized serving the needy and demonstrating love through his actions rather than pursuing material wealth. His life teaches us that true fulfillment comes from helping others and trusting in divine providence.

Interviewer: During the mass, you emphasized the importance of faith. How did José Gregorio’s family, particularly his mother, influence his spiritual journey?

Bishop Fernández: José Gregorio learned the essence of faith from his mother. She instilled in him a deep love for God, which is crucial for all parents to embody. The way mothers convey faith to their children shapes their spiritual paths. José Gregorio became a beacon of hope, and his devotion reflects the values he inherited at home.

Interviewer: You also spoke about the role of charity in José Gregorio’s life. How can modern doctors and health professionals emulate his example?

Bishop Fernández: That’s an excellent question. I encouraged doctors during the mass to imitate José Gregorio in their works of charity. His life was dedicated to the service of others, and in today’s world, health professionals must prioritize compassion and empathy in their practice. Overcoming evil with acts of kindness is a message that remains timeless.

Interviewer: Following the mass, there was a large celebration in Isnotú. What was the atmosphere like?

Bishop Fernández: The celebration was filled with joy and reverence, as people from the community gathered to honor José Gregorio. Despite the large crowds, I felt a strong sense of unity and shared faith among the attendees. It was heartwarming to see everyone come together in celebration and gratitude for the teachings and legacy of the Doctor of the Poor.

Interviewer: Thank you, Bishop Fernández, for sharing your insights on this meaningful occasion.

Bishop Fernández: Thank you. It was my pleasure to share about José Gregorio’s enduring legacy. May we all continue to learn and grow from his example of love and charity.

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