“The difficulties faced by Diomaye and Sankoh…”

2024-08-01 15:55:37

President Basilou Dimayet Fayé and Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko have ruled the country for almost four months. Although Senegalese author Mouhamadou Mbougar Sarr, winner of the 2021 Goncourt Prize, admits that it is too early to judge, he looks back at the beginnings of the ruling duo. He believes that the main difficulty for the head of state and prime minister is the numerous promises they made before taking office.

“They increase their declarations of intent and constantly seek to win the goodwill of the population. They need time, which I can understand. The first hundred days were symbolic, but after three months it is impossible to draw a clear assessment. The difficulty is that they promised so much, claiming that they would provide almost immediate solutions to fundamental social problems, but they now find themselves a little trapped by their enthusiasm and the irrational expectations they have aroused. It is true that they were helped in this by the chaotic and authoritarian end of the previous regime,” he explains.

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However, Mouhamadou Mbugal Sarr has noted the government’s efforts, especially in reducing prices. “The expectations are huge. Such a huge action, such as reducing the price of bread by a few francs, is seen as a ridiculous measure by part of the public,” he added in an interview with Jeune Afrique.

→ Also read: Senegal: Controversy over ban on veils in schools leads to important statement from Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko (Video)

→ Also read: “President, the emergency is elsewhere!”, by Ibrahima Gite

#difficulties #faced #Diomaye #Sankoh..



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