The dialogue of the wretched and the insult to the dead

If you dismantle the government’s communications team, you are left with a Psariano, a Portosalte, a “mujahedin” and Anna Maria Logothetis

The more the government’s percentages fall in the polls, the more Mitsotakis and his ministers remember to… mourn in retrospect for Tempi in front of the cameras. In the last few days, the apologies of the prime minister and the “fake” photos of… grieving ministers have increased. Because of galloping only.

  • By Vassilis Galoupis

On the contrary, in the first days following the accident, Mitsotakis had not apologized. Ministers, such as Georgiadis, made provocative statements. Karamanlis was overcoming his… depression and was once once more a cheerful candidate. And the humble “journalists” provoked the public feeling. How this administration really feels regarding crime in Tempe has already been shown in the most disgusting way.

On Sunday, Mitsotakis asked for a fake apology from Facebook. On Monday, however, Psarianos, advisor to the vice president of the government Pikramenos, took part in a vulgar conversation that was brought to light by “Radio Arvyla” and Kontra. Panhellenic listened with disgust to a shocking conversation that goes beyond any limit of cynicism and inhumanity. This is a live audio chat on twitter. The individuals who participated constituted a group debating free from the conventions of public discourse. They felt comfortable because they were talking in a “protected” environment.

Essentially, it was a “Mitsotakis circle of ideas”, struggling to find a way to save Maximos from subsidence. It consisted of:

• Grigoris Psarianos, advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister P. Pikramenou

• Anna Maria Logothetis. Appeared breaking balloons on the ANT1 show “3, 2, 1” in the 90s

• The radio producer Ari Portosalte

• And a guy who declares himself a fan of Portosalte and defines himself as “Mujahedin of Mitsotakis”.

This surrealist group is apparently running around offering their services as Maximos’ cavalry, and in the safety of internet discussion they develop their political thinking regarding how Mitsotakis will win. The dialogues of these Mitsotaki activists took place on Monday. And they are emetic. They don’t care regarding the dead, only regarding how their leader will win the elections once more. The alter ego of the vice-presidency of the government, the gyrologist of the parties Psarianos, proposes a constitutional diversion:

Psarianos: “For the government to close the four-year term, to spend the summer with its receipts in tourism, for the country to take a very deep breath and for elections to be held in September… I cannot say “no” to this version.” An unknown voice interjects to say, “The world will forget. So much was forgotten. It’s a terrible accident, but it will pass, in my opinion.”

This particular comment arouses the admiration of Portosalte, who flatters the speaker that “in terms of tactics, you said it very well.” In particular, says Portosalte: “Beware, beware, what you said is the argument of those who… I find you too read in political tacticalism. It is the argument of those who suggest him (s.s.: apparently Mitsotakis), from what I learn, from what they tell me, to hold the elections on the day he has announced. And they tell him that we should enter the pre-election period so that it can change, that other issues should be included, that we should not only be on the fixed issue of the train. Therefore, in terms of tactics, you said it very well.”

The “mujahedin of Kyriakos” takes the floor, a figure in the society that Logothetis recommends as a “general”: “It will be a shame for a bogey train if Kyriakos loses the train of governance… I read in the allied press that we have a great rise in “anti-political” protest vote. This is a bell. Let them see it. I’m not worried. I will tear myself apart, I am a sworn mujahedeen for Kyriakos”.

Portosalte responds to his comment, saying the following: “Thank you, thank you very much. I have a small objection, we can’t call it a train wreck, in the sense that what happened is too heavy. Of course, I understand what you mean. I would tell you not to say it out loud outside of this environment that you are here, I’m saying it for you, you see what I’m going through.” Psarianos hears all this and doesn’t even react!

This particular combination of inhumanity, petty self-interest, disrespect for the dead, and profound political idiocy is undigested. Really, what is the reaction of Panagiotis Pikrammenos to the words of his adviser? “I like the gomenaki, mooch, baby” Psarianos suggests that Kyriakos violate the Constitution and continue playing the prime minister. And Pikramenos insists on keeping him in his post at Maximus to leave us no doubt that Psarianos fully represents him.

With his bigoted rhetoric on March 1, just hours following the Tempi crash, Psarianos tweeted that people protesting outside the Hellenic Train offices were “animals”, “sluts”, “Putin’s dogs” and “disgusted”. He had not a word to say regarding the victims.

Finally, apart from the retired American “political psychic” Greenberg who ditched the Clintons, if you dismantle Maximus’ communications team, you are left with a Psariano, a Portosalte, a bored “mujahedin” and Anna Maria Logothetis. This is Kyriakos’ dream team… True, Psarianos will be removed from his position in Mr. Pikramenos’ office. Is it possible they haven’t kicked him out yet?


Associate of the special office of the Deputy Prime Minister P. Pikramenou


He was born in 1954 in Athens and studied at the Higher Industrial University of Piraeus. He worked as a music producer and journalist. He was a founding member of the Coalition in 1989 and a SYRIZA MP in 2007 and 2009. In 2012 he was elected with the Democratic Left. In 2015 with Potami. In 2019, he was a candidate with the New Democracy in the South Department of the 2nd Athens, but he was 10th from the end and with only 11,051 votes he did not enter the Parliament. By decision of the Mitsotakis Deputy Prime Minister, Panagiotis Pikramenou, he was hired as his partner on November 1, 2020.

See also: Unrepentant! Mitsotakis threw them at… everyone for Tempi




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