The Devastating Toll of Drug Micro-Trafficking and Invisible Borders in Cali: A Family’s Desperate Plea for Justice and Protection

2023-07-05 02:40:50

The problems of the power of drug micro-trafficking and the invisible borders in the city of Cali, claim lives almost every day in the ‘Sucursal del Cielo’, that is the case of a family from Cali who has been living in ‘hell’ for more than a week since a massacre crossed their lives.

Also read: “Don’t kill him, please”: woman begged the criminal not to kill her relative in Buenaventura

The first fatal event that knocked on the door of these people was when Kevin Andrés Angulo and Jeffry Steven Murillo, two cousins ​​who were shot to death in a house in the La Isla neighborhood, in northern Cali, were murdered in cold blood. In these events three people died and one more was injured.

A few days later, they murdered the aunt of the first victims, identified as Ingrid Jackelin Rodríguez Zamudio.

This family did not finish burying their relatives when they began to receive threats once morest their physical integrity.

One of the family members indicated that the first massacre, in which two members of the family died, killed them because of the issue of invisible borders, “they were not studying or working.”

It may interest you: The last straw: criminals have been captured, released and return to rob the same establishments in Cali

On the other hand, a person close to the family informed the authorities of the identity of the murderers when he found out that they were offering a reward for people who gave information related to those responsible. “I saw this reward and I was outraged, because I knew who the murderers were and I told the authorities, that’s why I dared to publish the faces of those responsible on social networks, but all this unleashed more misfortune.”

The criminals threatened to throw grenades at the homes of relatives or threatened relatives of the family to end their lives.

Faced with threats, the family decided to ask the authorities for protection, but they never came.

“On Thursday I told them to please send a patrol to the house because we were not sure, I begged them until 7:30 pm but they did not want to give me an answer, at 9:30 pm that day my sister came home- in the Olaya Herrera neighborhood- and when she was getting off the motorcycle, three men dressed in black arrived and killed her. More than 16 shots were fired that killed Ingrid, even though we ran with her to the hospital, we were not able to save her life.

Read more: Buenaventura, the “laboratory of peace” in which violence continues to increase

The family does not know what else to do to protect the members who are still alive and ask that the authorities speak out and help them.

#Family #asks #protection #authorities #members #murdered

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