The Desert Fantasy and Magic Land Thriller Broken Heart Movie “Lost and Reborn” will be released in shock on May 13 – yqqlm

Directed by Zhao Hui, starring Feng Mengmeng, Yu Ge, Hu Ke, Yi Guohua, Wang Yiyi, Zhou Erkang, Hei Ge, Liu Jia, He Enwu, Wang Ding, etc.No Man’s Land Desert Escape Thriller Movie “Lost Rebirth”It will be released on May 13th! The fantasy of the desert is advancing one by one, screaming and frightening silently bursting, and the lost expedition of “Death of Trespasser” is about to start!

Three days of death for breaking into a forbidden area by mistake!

The movie “Lost Again”Drawing on the mystical power of no man’s land and frightening folklore, tell a thrilling tale that fills the screen with realism. At the beginning of the film, on the lonely road in the desert, a girl covered in injuries staggers forward alone, weakly looking for hope of survival. A police car stopped in front of her, following the girl’s guidance, the slate buried by the wind and sand was pryed open, the sun shone into the mine, and the two male corpses lying on the ground came into view, blood stained and miserable. Different, startling. In the girl’s dodging eyes, the time went back to three days ago. Xu Miao, Zang Ran, and Xiao Min went on a graduation trip together. In order to avoid detours, they stopped a car halfway. Little did they know that the two people in the car were wanted criminals in a major murder case.

The police chased every step of the way, and the perpetrators who exposed their identities kept doing it. They kidnapped a few young people who hitchhikers and broke into the desert of no-man’s land. In the harsh weather, the dead in quicksand, and the siege of wild wolves, they started a dead end. The thrilling road to survival in the wilderness. The shortage of food and water, the constant illusions, the inaccessible deserts, the magical realms that you encounter everywhere, the sense of fright is progressive, the death of the wilderness is endless, and the extreme situation is constantly testing the people who are originally conflicted, disintegrated, and greedy and selfish. A three-day adventure in a strange realm with no return, all-inclusive horrifying and bizarre experiences, one by one will be revealed!

Create a terrifying triple jump

No-man’s-land scene shooting, the ultimate restoration of desert wonders. The devastation, suffocation, despair and fear generated by the “Dead in Quicksand” scene in the movie “Lost and Reborn” shocked the soul, hit people’s hearts directly, and instantly inspired a sense of immersion. In the creation of horror scenes, the main creative team of the film is also very careful, integrating the macro horror of the desert with the natural scenes of the dark night and the strange moonlight. , creating a thrilling, different from the conventional, full of aesthetics and terrifying magic audio-visual wonderland. In addition, the film’s ambush at the horror point is unexpected and popular. With the advancement of the escape timeline, different horror elements and events are continuously released, and the whole thriller is without faults, making it easier for the audience to be immersed in the scene. In this adventure, you can immerse yourself in the eerie atmosphere of the silence of the no-man’s land and the barren grass. The thrilling audiovisual takes turns, the visual shock continues to explode, and the exquisite and meticulous plot analyzes the multi-faceted human nature, triggering deep thinking. The film shows the fate of six people with different occupations, identities, and positions through the short three days in the desert. It explores the nature of life and death, human nature, and love.

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The film “Lost Rebirth” is produced by Shaanxi Huayuan Cultural Industry Investment and Development Co., Ltd., Xi’an Lidi Film and Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Qingyang Huiheng Shengshi Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd., Beijing Haoxilai Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., and Beijing Haozhi Entertainment. Produced by Culture Co., Ltd., issued by Zhejiang Dongyang April Day Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., jointly issued by Beijing Junhe Jiaying Culture Media Co., Ltd., and publicized by Shanxi Philmu Culture Media Co., Ltd.

“Lost and Reborn” will be released nationwide on May 13. It gathers a high-energy team and creates a fright of death in the wilderness. In the unforgettable fright of no one who survived and the sigh of being reborn only one step away, it will arouse thinking and awaken the lost heart. Let’s walk into this visual feast of “no return”!


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