The departure of MINUSMA from the Kidal camp at the end of October compromised?

2023-10-28 20:45:59

The accelerated departure of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (Minusma) from Kidal towards the end of October could be in danger, because the official closure of the camp planned for the end of the month risks being compromised in due to the lack of flight authorizations for Minusma planes repatriating personnel, particularly to Kidal.

On Friday October 27, only Minusma helicopters obtained authorization to fly in Malian airspace. One of them was responsible for supplying water to the land convoy of Chadian peacekeepers en route to Gao, after their eventful departure from the northern localities of Tessalit and Aguelok.

→ ALSO READ: Minusma accelerates its withdrawal from Kidal, in northern Mali

All other Minusma planes in Mali remained immobilized on the ground. Consequently, the civilians, civil servants and soldiers of the mission could not be evacuated from the Kidal camp. Some sources suggest that the Malian government could refuse flight authorizations in order to make the UN peacekeepers wait until the arrival of the Malian army in Kidal, in order to prevent the camp from falling to the hands of rebel groups who control the city.

This decision to refuse flight authorizations for Minusma could jeopardize the closure of the mission’s camp in Kidal, initially planned for the end of October. Originally, Kidal’s departure was scheduled for November 15. However, on the ground, the situation is tense, and the UN representation is determined to ensure the safety of its troops at all costs.

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