The dentist called the products that provoke the development of caries

Mouthwash can help reduce the risk of cavities
A photo: Vadim Akhmetov © URA.RU

The development of caries contributes to the use of sugar, salt, foods with high acidity, as well as any other food that gets stuck in the teeth. This was told to URA.RU by orthodontist Maria Balakireva and dentist of the highest category Oleg Konnikov.

“Sugar destroys tooth enamel. For example, sweet candies provoke caries. It begins to develop even faster in the oral cavity, so we are trying to limit the use of sweets for children. Carbohydrates can also destroy enamel. Remains of food: meat, sausages that get stuck between dental contacts lead to its destruction,” said Maria Balakireva.

Oleg Konnikov noted that for people with problem teeth, the abuse of many products is not recommended. “Sugar, salt, all products of high acidity affect the quality of tooth enamel if it is damaged. Excessive consumption of sweet, salty is not recommended for them, ”said the dentist.

Balakireva gave a recommendation that will help protect teeth from caries. “We always advise you to follow the rule: after eating, rinse your mouth to remove what remains on the walls of the enamel. Love to eat sweets – eat, but you need to rinse your mouth. For this, there are irrigators or plain water,” the expert explained.

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The development of caries contributes to the use of sugar, salt, foods with high acidity, as well as any other food that gets stuck in the teeth. This was told to URA.RU by orthodontist Maria Balakireva and dentist of the highest category Oleg Konnikov. “Sugar destroys tooth enamel. For example, sweet candies provoke caries. It begins to develop even faster in the oral cavity, so we are trying to limit the use of sweets for children. Carbohydrates can also destroy enamel. Remains of food: meat, sausages that get stuck between dental contacts lead to its destruction,” said Maria Balakireva. Oleg Konnikov noted that for people with problem teeth, the abuse of many products is not recommended. “Sugar, salt, all products of high acidity affect the quality of tooth enamel if it is damaged. Excessive consumption of sweet, salty is not recommended for them, ”said the dentist. Balakireva gave a recommendation that will help protect teeth from caries. “We always advise you to follow the rule: after eating, rinse your mouth to remove what remains on the walls of the enamel. Love to eat sweets – eat, but you need to rinse your mouth. For this, there are irrigators or plain water,” the expert explained.

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