The dengue epidemic worsens in Sudan – Agence Afrique

The dengue epidemic declared in July 2022 in Sudan is still not weakening, and on the contrary is showing an evolution that is beginning to worry the local authorities.

Mainly located in the capital, Khartoum, this disease has already killed at least 45 people out of more than 2,500 confirmed cases in 12 of the 18 provinces of the country, according to the weekly report of the Sudanese Ministry of Health.

For Nima Abed, representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Sudan, this epidemic is to be feared, since “what we see in health establishments are the serious cases of dengue fever, which means that this what we see is just the tip of the iceberg.

He also points out that the response efforts made so far are running out of steam, in particular because of the lack of financial support. There is therefore reason to fear a worsening of the epidemic, the first symptoms of which seem mild, but which then surprises the victims with complications such as high fever, muscle pain, nausea and rashes.

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