The Democrats have dealt with the censorship law, but have lost the public’s heart… Bill handling ‘wrong’ 52%, ‘good thing’ 33%

The Democratic Party of Korea has passed the long-awaited bill restricting the prosecution’s investigative powers, the so-called ‘Inspection and Completion Act (Amendment to the Prosecutors’ Office Act and the Criminal Procedure Act)’, but public sentiment seems to have been somewhat lost. That’s what the polls show.

<img alt="When National Assembly Speaker Park Byeong-seok opened a plenary session of the National Assembly on the 27th of last month to deal with the "Inspection and Completeness" bill, the People's Power lawmakers raised an objection. ” src=””/>When National Assembly Speaker Park Byeong-seok opened a plenary session of the National Assembly on the 27th of last month to deal with the “Inspection and Completeness” bill, the People’s Power lawmakers raised an objection.

Reducing the prosecution’s direct investigative powers When the National Assembly passed the Prosecutor’s Office Act amendment, 52% said it was ‘wrong’. ‘33% of the respondents answered that it was a good job. These are the results of the National Indicators Survey (NBS) conducted on the 5th by Embrain Public, K-Stat Research, Korea Research, and Korea Research on 1002 men and women 18 years of age and older on the 2nd-4th. This is an opinion poll conducted at the time when the National Assembly completed the handling of the Inspection and Completed Bill and President Moon Jae-in even promulgated the bill. (For details, refer to the Central Election Opinion Survey Deliberation Committee)

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By party support, 63% of the Democratic Party supporters said it was ‘good work’, and 21% rated it ‘wrong’. Among the supporters of the People’s Power, 86% viewed it as ‘wrong’ and only 5% as ‘good’. In the case of no political party, the evaluation of ‘good thing’ and ‘wrong thing’ was 35% each. 48% of the middle class saw it as ‘wrong’37% said ‘good job’.

The Democratic Party’s approval ratings have been shaken by the handling of the overhaul bill. appeared in this survey Democrats support 30%As a result, it fell by 4 percentage points compared to the survey two weeks ago (18-20 days of last month). On the other hand, the support for the People’s Power was 41%, up 6 percentage points. The popularity of the People’s Power was the highest in this survey conducted in the last six months.

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Two weeks ago, in an NBS investigation, the prosecution 65% of the respondents said ‘It is a matter that needs sufficient discussion, so there is no need to deal with it urgently in April’.more than twice as many as ‘the bill needs to be passed in April (27%)’.

It is interpreted that the disappointment of the people in the process of passing the bill quickly and swiftly led by the Democrats in the National Assembly was reflected in the opinion poll.

It is noteworthy how the storm will affect the 6.1 local elections after the censorship bill is processed. In this investigation 52% of the respondents said that ‘the power of the people should be empowered for the stable operation of the state government’. 39% of the respondents said, ‘We need to strengthen the Democratic Party of Korea to check the new government’. Since the presidential election is less than two months away, it seems that more weight is placed on the ‘stable state management’.

The positive expectation that President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol would ‘do well’ in the next government performance was found to be 54%, and the negative expectation that ‘will not be done’ was found to be 40%. Compared to the survey two weeks ago, expectations of ‘doing well’ increased by 4 percentage points, within the margin of error (±3.1 percentage points), and negative expectations decreased by 3 percentage points.

As the hearings continued, we also asked for opinions on the appointment of candidate Han Deok-soo as the first Prime Minister of President-elect Yoon. 45% of the respondents said ‘I think it’s the wrong one’, and 33% said ‘I think it’s a good one’. Among the progressives, 68% said it was a bad person (15% for a ‘good person’), and 46% from the middle class said it was a bad person (34% for a good person). On the other hand, in the conservative class, 53% saw good people (27% of bad people).

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