The defense of Triage-Sainte-Gertrude celebrates 30 years of combat

2023-11-04 15:00:00

The Triage-Sainte-Gertrude is the point of many tensions in Waterloo. Above all, one of the last green areas in the commune of Lion, it is also a point of interest for real estate investments. Recently, the former Fiat car park, located at the entrance to Drève du Garde, will accommodate a new artisanal zoning built by the Immobel company. Higher up, along the cycle-pedestrian path, the future establishment of the Sacré-Coeurs institute will be located by 2028.

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The preservation of the Triage Sainte-Gertrude does not date from these recent events. Indeed, the ASBL Environnement Waterloo has been responsible for defending the Triage for 30 years now. Other associations have joined the adventure in the meantime, such as the Collectif Triage, the Comité Chenois, etc. To celebrate this, a walk is organized (1.5 or 4.9 km) on Saturday November 11 at 2 p.m. Departure will be from the roundregarding car park at the intersection between Allée du Triage and Rue des Pâquerettes. Walkers can then meet at the Sainte-Gertrude farm for a friendly drink.

“We will also organize a raffle. The goal is to raise funds to create nest boxes near the Drève ranger’s house,” explains Alain Scoyer of the Triage-Sainte-Gertrude Collective. The old building would shelter certain species and even the rarest ones such as tree sparrows, which, unlike the more common sparrows, are insectivorous. The Bella Vita club will be responsible for building the boobs and the raffle winnings will provide the raw materials.

The former guard’s house, on Drève du Garde, in Waterloo will house nest boxes. ©Apple

Focus on the ecological corridor

The three regions recently came together to address the issue of Brabant Forests. The idea is to create a national park by bringing together the forests of Soignes, Halle and the Meerdael Woods by building ecological corridors that connect them. If the Flemish region has taken a head start on the creation of these corridors, Wallonia is feeling its way. And one of the corridors should pass through the Triage Sainte-Gertrude and connect the Forêt de Soignes to that of Halle.

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Thus, the collective and the various local associations want to mark the occasion by starting this “ecological network”. The objective is to strengthen the ecological network. A few trees and shrubs will then be planted in the extension of the hunters’ drive, where one of the ecological corridors should begin. The meeting is scheduled during Tree Week, from November 20 to 26.

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