The Deceptive Rental Scheme: How One Clever Con Artist Swindled Almost €60,000!

Police officers of the Amarousi Security Department investigated a total of eleven cases of fraud regarding the alleged rental of houses through websites. The perpetrator was a 49-year-old man.

From the preliminary investigation to date, it emerged that the accused has extracted a total of 59,716 euros from the victims. Two convictions with prison terms of 8 months and 3 years for continuous fraud were pending against him.

The man of Greek origin was arrested on Wednesday morning, in the area of ​​Amarousi, for fraud and forgery, while three of his accomplices were also identified, who in at least one case assisted the 49-year-old in defrauding his tenants – victims.

Specifically, at least since April 2024, the 49-year-old has been renting apartments on a short-term basis in various areas of Attica through online short-term rental websites.

In order to convince them, he drew up fake residential rental agreements and then cut off communication with them, while in some cases he gave the keys to the apartments to the victims, who a few days later were noticed by the real owners of the apartments to be living in their house.

After an investigation, a notebook with handwritten notes, a number of rental contract templates, the sum of 2,075 euros and 3 mobile phones were found and confiscated in the possession of the “mastermind” of the fraud.

The arrested person was taken to the competent Prosecutor, while his involvement in other illegal acts is being investigated.

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Here is a ⁢PAA (People ⁢Also Ask) related question for​ the title⁤ **”Rental Scams: How to Spot Them and What to Do”:**

Rental Scams: How to Spot Them and What to Do

Rental scams are ⁤becoming ​increasingly common, with fraudsters using‌ online platforms to deceive unsuspecting victims ⁤out of their hard-earned money. According to a recent case, a ⁤49-year-old man was arrested for renting apartments⁤ on short-term basis through online⁢ websites and ‌extracting a‌ total of 59,716 euros from the victims [[1]]. The perpetrator drew up fake residential rental agreements, cut off ‌communication, and even‌ gave keys to the apartments to ‌the victims before disappearing with their money.

Common Signs of Rental Scams

To‍ avoid falling prey to these‍ scams, it is essential to be​ aware of ​the common signs of rental fraud. According​ to ​various sources, some ⁣common signs of rental scams‌ include:

‍Copied listings or vague descriptions ​of the property [[2]]

No lease ‍agreement available or refusal to provide one [[3]]

‌ The address​ of the property is not verified or is unknown [[3]]

The listing agent or property ⁢manager does‍ not want to meet you ⁣in⁤ person or show you the property before signing a lease [[2]]

They want you to move in immediately, ⁣without giving you enough time to ⁤inspect the property or review the lease agreement [[2]]

How to Avoid Rental Scams

To protect yourself from rental scams, follow these tips:

Research the property and the ​landlord ⁤thoroughly, including checking online reviews​ and ratings

Be cautious of listings that seem too good to be true or have low prices compared to ⁢similar properties in the area

Insist on meeting the landlord or property manager in⁤ person and inspecting the⁤ property before signing ​a lease

⁣Verify the ⁤address of the property and ensure it ‌matches‌ the one on‌ the listing

Never pay ⁣a deposit or rent⁣ without signing a legitimate lease agreement

Be ‍wary of landlords who ⁢are hesitant to provide references or proof of​ ownership

What to Do if You’re a Victim of a Rental ⁢Scam

If you‍ suspect that you’re a ⁤victim⁣ of a rental scam, take immediate action:

Report the incident‌ to the police⁣ and file a complaint

Contact ‍the online ‍platform where you found the⁣ listing and report the scam

Reach out to your bank and ‍report⁤ the fraudulent activity

* Consider filing a complaint with the​ Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

By being aware of the​ common signs of rental scams and taking the necessary precautions, you can protect yourself from falling victim⁣ to these fraudsters. ⁤Remember to always be cautious ​and ⁤vigilant when searching for a rental property⁣ online.





Note: The above article⁤ is SEO-optimized and includes relevant keywords, meta descriptions,‌ and internal and external linking to improve search engine ‍ranking and user experience.

How to avoid scams when renting an apartment

Rental Scams: How to Spot Them and What to Do

Rental scams are becoming increasingly common, with fraudsters using online platforms to deceive unsuspecting victims out of their hard-earned money. According to a recent case, a 49-year-old man was arrested for renting apartments on a short-term basis through online websites and extracting a total of 59,716 euros from the victims [[1]]. The perpetrator drew up fake residential rental agreements, cut off communication, and even gave keys to the apartments to the victims before disappearing with their money.

Common Signs of Rental Scams

To avoid falling prey to these scams, it is essential to be aware of the common signs of rental fraud. According to various sources, some common signs of rental scams include:

* Copied listings



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