The debut injury is more serious than expected: ‘There is a lesion’ | The doctor’s verdict is very serious

Injury more serious than expected – (Photo LaPresse)

Injury at his debut, his conditions are not the best at all: the doctor’s harsh verdict arrives

A return, that of the footballer, to the club that launched him and introduced him to the great football that did not start in the best way at all. And the reason is all too obvious: he suffered an injury.

Il verdict from the doctor speaks loud and clear: he will have to stay out for a long time. A bad blow for the coach and his teammates who will not be able to count on his experience in the next days of the championship.

Bad news also for all those who had decided to bet on him for Fantacalcio. According to the latest updates, it seems that it is a muscle problem.

Now, however, his only goal is to get back on track as soon as possible to help the team in this season that promises to be very complicated. But first, the forced rest.

Sanchez, injury immediately: muscle problem for the Chilean

Alexis Sanchez, after 16 years since the last time, has returned to Udinese. It was the Friulians who brought him to Italy and, consequently, gave him confidence. A confidence that he demonstrated with plays, assists and above all goals. So much so that he captured the attention of Barcelona, ​​Manchester United, Inter and Olimpique Marseille (team he played for over the years).

Il ‘Wonder Boy‘ did not have the chance to take the field in the first league match, drawn away against Bologna, as the transfer was announced only a few hours later. During the training session with the Bianconeri, the Chilean had to stop early due to a muscle problem. For him, it is a myofascial distractive contusive lesion of the medial gemellus of the left leg.

Muscle problem for Sanchez Udinese, Sanchez immediately injured – (Photo LaPresse)

Udinese, Sanchez stops: how long will he be out?

Udinese fans and, indeed, the millions of Italian fantasy football managers are asking themselves just one question: How long will the Chilean be out? What is certain is that on Saturday 24 August he will follow the team, against Lazio, from his sofa at home.

It will be difficult to see him on the field in the third match of the championship against Como. It remains to be seen whether or not he will be able to return to the team for the fourth match of Serie A against Parma. The Friulian medical staff will evaluate his physical condition day by day.

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