The death toll from armed clashes in Libya has risen to 13, and 95 others have been injured

The Libyan Ministry of Health confirmed on Saturday that the number of victims of armed clashes in Tripoli has risen to 13, and 95 others have been injured in the clashes in the capital during the past hours.

While the Ministry of Interior in the Libyan government mandated by Parliament headed by Fathi Bashagha, made it clear that it is following up on the heated clashes that are still continuing in Tripoli and the damage it has caused to civilians and public and private property.

And the Libyan Ministry of the Interior confirmed in a press statement – the seventh day obtained a copy of it – that it will not stand idly by in front of what is happening in the chaos, fighting and struggle for influence and interests at the expense of civilians, noting that it will take, within its national, legal and moral duties and tasks, all measures and means that It enables it to protect civilians and state institutions in Tripoli.

In its statement, the Libyan Interior stated that the United Nations mission and the international community that what is happening in Tripoli is only a natural result of the absence of the state and security institutions due to the outgoing government’s clinging to power and its illegal support for armed groups with the aim of remaining in power, stressing that security cannot be established in Tripoli in light of Horror balance.

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