The death of the Egyptian novelist Majid Tobia

The General Syndicate of the Egyptian Writers Union said, on Thursday, that the novelist and screenwriter Majid Toubia died at the age of 84, following a long journey during which he enriched the Arab library and the cinema screen with unforgettable works.
Toubia was exposed to a health crisis, as a result of which he was hospitalized last March, but then returned to his home.
Majid Ishaq Toubia was born in March 1938 in Minya Governorate, and obtained a Bachelor of Sports and Education from the Teachers College in Cairo in 1960, before he studied art in depth, and obtained a diploma from the Scenario Institute in 1970, then a postgraduate diploma in film directing in 1972.
He published his first collection of short stories (Vostok Reaches the Moon) in 1967, followed by several collections, including “Five Newspapers Unread” and “The Days After”.
Among his most prominent novels are “The Sunset Virgin”, “Circles of Impossibility”, “The Earthly Chance Chamber”, “The Restoration of the Ahmose Case”, “Reem’s Beautiful Tale”, “These” and “The Exile of Bani Hathout”.
A number of his books were turned into dramas, including the movie “Sons of Silence” directed by Mohamed Radi, which is considered one of the most prominent films presented on the cinema screen for the period between the 1967 and 1973 wars in Egypt. He also wrote the script and dialogue for the films “A Tale from Our Country” and “The Star Maker.” And the story of the movie “The Cage of the Harem”.
Toubia was awarded the Medal of Science and Arts in 1979, and the State Appreciation Award in the field of literature in 2013.



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