“The Death of Cinematic RPGs in BioWare and the Challenges of Developing Big-Budget Games: Insights from Industry Veterans”

2023-04-22 16:48:06

Some time ago edition PC Gamer released articlewhich predicted the death of cinematic role-playing games “in BioWare“. Journalists compared difficult to develop Dragon Age and Cyberpunk 2077 with successful Disco Elysium and Citizen Sleeper and came to the conclusion that once exciting blockbusters are becoming conservative and outdated.
Discuss these postulates edition invited a number of game industry veterans: Josh Sawyer, Mike Laidlaw, Pavel Sasko, Strix Beltran and Lis Mauberly took part in the RPG Roundtable.
Pavel Sasko, escape room designer CD Projekt Red, declaredthat this material was discussed in the studio, and basically everyone agreed with the main theses of the article.

At least when it comes to big-budget games, I think we’re running into a fucking wall and we’re going to crash against it pretty soon.

Pavel Sasko

Under the wall, the designer meant the growing complexity and cost of creating games like Cyberpunk 2077. After all, even after the developers have done a fantastic job on “Witcher 3”, the new project presented them with unprecedented difficulties.

According to Sasko, the creators of The Witcher often resorted to tricks: for example, the guy behind the bar has no lower half of his body to save on animation, and the screen was taken to black to transition between scenes. And in Cyberpunk 2077, there are no gimmicks in first-person, and it turned out to be incredibly expensive to add quest branches.

Sasko’s words were confirmed by the creative director Dragon Age Mike Laidlaw. He recalled that BioWare, while working on games such as Jade Empire and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republicthere were simple tools to quickly create most of the dialogues.

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