The Deans ‘avoid’ an increase in places in Medicine

Pablo Lara Muñoz, Luciana Nechifor and Tomás Cobo.

The National Conference of Deans of Faculties of Medicine has requested the general secretary of the Ministry of Universities, Jose Manuel Pingarrona new meeting of Workgroup created to analyze the number of places to access the Medicine Degree. This request comes following knowing the intentions of the Ministry of Health, which intends to link the increase in MIR places to those offered in the Medicine Degree to try to curb the deficit of specialists that is estimated for the next 15 years.

Specifically, the Minister of Health, Carolina Dariashas proposed to the CCAA a increase in places to study Medicine by 10 percent; an increase that will be linked to that of the vacancies to be a specialist in order to “reduce the bottleneck that can be generated among doctors”.

Before this request, Pablo Lara Munozpresident of the National Conference of Deans of Faculties of Medicine, maintains that the “right place” to deal with this issue is the Working Group created by the department of Joan Subirats, which includes the Ministry of Universities, the Ministry of Health, the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) and the State Council of Medicine Students (CEEM), in addition to the Conference of Deans and representatives of the different Autonomous Communities.

The dean maintains that the deficit of doctors, which occurs “in certain regions and specialties”, responds to “very diverse” causes and that the increase in access places “It is not the solution”. “In recent years, access places have increased by 25 percent and this increase has not translated into greater ease in hiring professionals,” explains Lara Muñoz, who emphasizes that the number of doctors by population density in Spain is “above” the European average.

Contracts suitable for doctors

On the other hand, the president highlights that the offer of MIR places between 2010 and 2018 was lower than in 2009, so this reduction might “currently” be having an impact on the lack of specialists. “The number of graduates is approximately 7,000, while the number of test candidates is almost double. We are seeing how, as a result of this lower offer of places in previous years, a pool of applicants has been created, ”adds Lara Muñoz, who advocates outing candidates and encouraging the work of professionals to solve this ‘ accumulated’ of doctors.

“There is a first bottleneck which is access to Specialized Health Training (FSE) and a second bottleneck which is what happens following the specialty. We must offer contracts that are appropriate to the functions and responsibilities of the professionals”, claims the dean, who regrets that, in the last 10 years, 21,000 doctors have requested the Certificate of Professional Suitability which is usually requested to practice outside of Spain.

Demographic study to find out the needs of the SNS

The State Council of Medical Students (CEEM) reclama un demographic study to find out regarding the labor and medical needs of the National Health System (SNS) and adjust the offer of places in universities. “It is not enough to increase places by 10 percent. We need these to be adapted to real needs,” he explains. Luciana Nechiforpresident of the CEEM.

Likewise, the president of the medical students requests attention to those specialties that, according to estimates, are going to suffer a greater impact due to the lack of doctorsas Primary Care, and that they be encouraged to become a viable option for graduates.

As part of the Working Group for the regulation of access to Medicine positions, the CEEM has also requested a meeting to address the proposal of the ministerial body led by Darias. “Being a Working Group in which we are all represented, We do not understand the Health proposal”, points out Nechifor, who considers that there are other options to alleviate the shortage of doctors before opting for the increase in the ‘numerus clausus’.

Accreditation of teaching units

Given the proposal of Carolina Darias, Thomas Cobopresident of the Collegiate Medical Organization (OMC), defends the “Balance” between the number of graduates in Medicine and the number of places to access the FSE. “Adjusting the number of graduates to the number of MIR vacancies so that a balance is generated is correct. In the results of the ‘Study on Medical Demography in Spain’ carried out in 2018, it was indicated that 7,500 doctors had not been able to access specialized training because there weren’t enough places”, points out the president of the WTO, emphasizing that the big losers are Pediatrics, Anesthesiology and Resuscitation and Primary Care.

Faced with this need for medical specialists, Cobolike Lara Muñoz, focuses on the increase in the number of MIR places, provided that an adequate number of teaching units is previously reached to ensure the correct training of residents. “Specialists have to be trained in the right conditions, so the teaching units have to meet all requirements”, defends the president of the WTO.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a health professional.



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