The deals at San Siro, the bang with the Champions League: 200 thousand euros each in the pockets of the three leaders

Milano – A mountain of money. A thousand tributaries feeding a single, enormous river of money. A karst river that over the years has dramatically expanded its riverbed between the red and blue curves. The calculations must be made by default, but they come from the voice of those who, according to the investigations of the DDA and the Flying Squad, have enriched themselves on the backs of the fans. In the papers ofinvestigation that beheaded the leaders of the support organized at San Sirothe figures of the Inter black industry emerge. Numbers that reach monstrous peaks for the Champions League final on 10 June 2023: just think that at Bellocco-Beretta-Ferdico trio they will go 200 thousand euros each for 1,500 tickets from 80 euros resold at crazy prices.

The reconstruction from the accounting occulta begins from the period in which the undisputed leader was Vittorio Boiocchireturned to reign in the curve in 2019 after a quarter of a century behind bars. The ‘Uncle’ begins to move in multiple directions to make up for lost time: in a dialogue intercepted in another extortion proceeding, he reveals to a friend that Covid and the consequent suspension of championship matches have deprived him of 80 thousand euros a month between parking lots, “700-800 tickets in hand” and two paninari who gave him a set sum at every home match of the Beneamata. Renato Bosetti and the cashier Debora Turiello were in charge of the tickets sold under the counter at increased prices and the season ticket cards placed from time to time to a different spectator: the mechanism, well-oiled and based on the complicity of the stewards, yielded tens of euros in mark-ups for each cutting. Between 2018 and 2020, it emerges from the documents, Boiocchi and his right-hand man Andrea Beretta would have collected 4 thousand euros a month from Giuseppe Caminiti alone for some parking spaces at the Meazza, those managed by Gherardo Zaccagni.

Then the murder of the ‘Uncle’, cold outside the house by two hitmen on October 29, 2022, changed everything, paving the way for the arrival of ‘ndrangheta scion Antonio Bellocco and the rise of the couple formed by Beretta and Marco Ferdico. It is precisely the intercepted words of the ‘Marchino’ frontman that give an idea of ​​the turnover of the new course. On 6 June 2023, the 39-year-old went with his father Gianfranco (also in handcuffs) to Bellocco’s house to “discuss the division of revenue shares”. The starting point is 265 thousand euros, “the surplus of the season’s takings”, net of European cups: Ferdico explains to Bellocco that 90 thousand euros will be shared between the two of them and this ‘Lungo’ (who could be Beretta). Then there are another 50 thousand “at home”, of which a small part will have to be acknowledged to the vocalist of the curve Mauro Nepi to make him “shut up”; without counting the bonuses of 40-50 thousand euros to be distributed to other loyalists such as Bosetti and Nino Ciccarelli.

The slice bigger than the cakehowever, will come from final against Manchester City in Istanbul: after strong pressure on the company, Nord manages to raise the number of tickets from 800 to 1,500. Ferdico distributes them to other curve bosses such as Francesco Intagliata (who will say he earned 40 thousand euros), Bosetti, Nepi and Norrito. The nominal price is 80 euros, but he places them at 600; in turn, the praetorians resell them for 800 or 1,000. The calculation is easy to do: 1,500 times 520 euros is 780 thousand euros. In a conversation with Intagliata, Ferdico reduces the total by 180 thousand euros, subtracting the 400 euro tickets from the “kids” of the curve (“I don’t give them a hard price”) and a hundred “given away”. Total: 600 thousand euros. To be divided equally: 200 thousand euros to him, 200 thousand to Beretta and 200 thousand euros to Bellocco.



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