The day Burro Van Rankin challenged Tigre Azcárraga for America

Midtime Editorial

Mexico City / 17.05.2022 00:16:44


George “Donkey” Van Rankin aired an unmissable anecdote about his love for the Americawith which he even touched in a peculiar way the already deceased Emilio “the Tiger” Azcarragato whom he mentioned that he was “more Americanist than him”.

Thanks to the relationship he had with the businessman who headed the Televisa conglomerate, Donkey had the chance to show him his fanaticismalthough those kinds of facts I did not usually comment on them due to fears that there would be some retaliation.

“I spoke to Mr. Azcárraga about you and he told me “don’t be lambiscón, bastard”and I told him “no, no, no, wait, I’m more Americanist than you”.

“I am an Americanist all my life, I cry, I get sick and he gives me something; I didn’t say it before because if they didn’t fire you from the company and how did you swallow, but right now it’s worth it to me, “she commented in an interview with Fox Sports.

On the other hand, Van Rakin recalled how his love for the Eagles was born and it was thanks to the relationship he developed with Fernando “la Muñeca” Santillán, who lived near his house in the directions of the Independence Unit of Mexico City.

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My dad took me, they put me in the dressing room and “the Doll” Santillán bathed me in champagne like that, and as a child at Disneyland I said “This is America”.

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