The Day Before: Three quarters of the players leave immediately

2023-12-11 11:24:00

news-content _ngcontent-sc3">The Day Before has actually been released, but things don’t seem to be going well for the developers at the moment. At the launch on December 7th, the number of players was quite high, but three quarters of the people left quickly Zombie-MMO from the house FNTASTIC also receives very negative reviews on Steam. Only 20% of these are positive, which is why it currently has an overall rating of “Mostly Negative” on Valve’s platform. Many players are apparently disappointed, with some calling the game a “scam”.

The Day Before: Player numbers plummeted

Am Release day The Day Before had a peak of around 38,100 players (via SteamDB ). Just one day later, only just under 9,000 players were still active, almost a quarter of the previous number. At its peak in the last 24 hours it was 7,690.

news-content _ngcontent-sc3">The sharp decline in player numbers is probably due to the negative reviews or on the game itself. “If you have bought it, press the refund button immediately,” writes one user Steam , “Fake and scam apply here 100 percent,” says another. “Do not buy! “It’s probably the biggest scam in gaming history,” writes another player, adding a recipe for his grandma’s creamed savoy cabbage.

news-content _ngcontent-sc3">Despite negative reactions, the development team responded to the feedback and created a Patch released, that addresses critical issues and improves performance. The update includes more zombies, a fivefold amount of the in-game currency “Woodcoins” for tasks and improvements to the game and network code. FNTASTIC has also made adjustments to the mechanics of zombie spawns, first-person shooting, and third-person perspectives.

news-content _ngcontent-sc3">For marketing The Day Before sorry the team and asks that not to be called a fraud. Apparently this is difficult for many players, as a look at the Steam page shows. Who on that The promised open-world survival MMO was disappointed – You’ll find more regarding it here.

All information regarding The Day Before
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