The daughters of Vladimir Putin: the “best kept secret” of the Kremlin | International

It is known that they currently reside in Russia and that since 2014, when this country was subject to Western sanctions for the annexation of Crimea and its interference in the Ukrainian Donbas, they have traveled to Western countries on several occasions.

Maria and Katerina, the two daughters of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, sanctioned today by the West, are the Kremlin’s best kept secret.

His identity has never been officially confirmed, so the Russians themselves do not know what they are like or what they do.

“I am proud of them. I never discuss matters related to my family. They are neither engaged in business nor in politics. They just live their lives and they do it with dignity.” Putin said in December 2015.

The last photo of Putin with his daughters dates from 2002, during a vacation on the coast, and both are back to back. Since then, Maria and Katerina they have been protected with special zeal by the Russian security services.

In 2021 both participated in the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, although as specialists in their professional fields, not as daughters of the head of state.

Yes indeed, her patronymic is Vladimirovna, that is, daughters of Vladimir.

Daughters of Vladimir Putin

Putin married in 1983 with Liudmila Shkrebneva, who was then working as a stewardess for a regional airline in the Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad.

His first daughter, Maria, was born on April 28, 1985 in the former Leningrad, present-day Saint Petersburg, after which the couple moved to Dresden, where Putin worked for the KGB.

In fact, his second daughter, Katerina, was born in that city of the German Democratic Republic on August 31, 1986.

They returned to the USSR in 1990, a year before the disintegration of the totalitarian state. After more than five years in the former tsarist capital, in 1996 they moved to Moscow, where Putin worked in the Presidential Administration.

Although it was an open secret that they no longer lived together, Putin and Lyudmila did not announce their separation until June 2013.

In 2017 Putin revealed that he had two grandchildren, one of whom was supposedly just born, although he did not confirm the name of the parents.

“My daughters take the first steps in their careers, but they have already achieved some successes,” Vladimir Putin said.

“I believe that each person has the right to their own destiny. My daughters were never child stars and they never liked being in the spotlight.” the president added.

Maria, the eldest daughter

Mary, 36 years old, uses the apellido Vorontsova. He graduated in biology in St. Petersburg and in medicine at a Moscow university.

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An endocrinologist by profession, she is a polyglot (English, French, German and Dutch) and has appeared several times on television speaking about childhood genetic diseases, according to the Western press.

Married to the Dutch businessman Yorritt Grasp, who came to Russia in 2006 to work for the Gazprom gas consortium, Putin’s eldest daughter lived, according to the press, in the town of Voorschoten, in the south of Holland.

According to the media, The marriage had to leave Dutch soil after the downing in July 2014 in eastern Ukraine of the Malaysian Airlines plane with 298 people on board, mostly Dutch, of which the West accuses pro-Russian separatists.

At the moment, Maria Vorontsova is a shareholder of the Nomeko company (New Medical Company), which is engaged in the construction of medical facilities, including a cancer center in St. Petersburg.

Katerina, the youngest daughter

Katerina, 35, uses the surname Tikhonova. In 2018, the US government identified her as the youngest daughter of the head of the Kremlin.

She graduated from Moscow State University, where she has served for several years as director of the National Intellectual Reserve Center, known as Innopraktica.

She was married to the businessman Kiril Shamálov, with whom he lived in the French town of Biarritz, after which they separated in 2018, according to the press.

Tíjonova is dedicated to research related to artificial intelligence, in recent years one of his father’s favorite topics, and also to develop state-of-the-art technology projects linked to the main Moscow university.

She is also known for her fondness for modern (rock) partner dance competitions. He participated in several national, European and world championships, and a video with his performance circulates on YouTube.

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