the daughter of the Voronin star was put on a drip in Turkey

The doctor warned of an increase in cases of a dangerous disease abroad.

The daughter of the Voronin star Ekaterina Volkova, 11-year-old Lisa, was taken away by ambulance in Turkey with rotovirus. The actress said that during the night they became the third with similar complaints from their hotel.

Therapist, cardiologist, gerontologist Yuri Serebryansky, in a commentary to the PopCornNews portal, gave advice to vacationers on preventing infection with rotavirus infection.

“First, you have to be very careful. A seventh wave of coronavirus infection is possible abroad. Rotavirus can be an independent disease, or it can be a manifestation of covid. People often, when they get to the sea, everything is in a rainbow look, they don’t need to wash their hands, they forgot, ”the specialist said.

The doctor reminded regarding the observance of sanitary and hygienic norms and rules.

“You need to wash your hands before eating. Meals should be provided where possible. First aid drugs should be with you: Enterofuril, Enterol, activated charcoal, Mezim, No-shpa, antipyretics, – said Yuri Serebryansky. – If possible, it is better to consult a doctor and not self-medicate, since under the guise of rotavirus there can be a number of diseases, for example, an exacerbation of herpes. Vigilance and diagnostics are needed. Stay healthy and take precautions!”

Photo source: Legion-Media

Sergey Malyshev
Olga Sobko



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