Published on Thursday, June 2, 2022 at 7:36 p.m.
Par Aurelie Urban
Big relief deployment this Wednesday in Colfontaine: police, lab, firefighters… A man was found dead at his home, paved with Warquignies. If at first, the criminal track was mentioned, it is ultimately nothing.
► On site, the neighbors are still impressed by what they saw the day before (video)
Seals were placed on the house where the septuagenarian was found dead. The victim was nicknamed “Khoune” by his colleagues at Bell Telephone, where he worked for a long time as a computer scientist.
► His daughter, Wendy Melody, wants to put an end to the rumors: son témoignage!
► Khoune lived with his son, who unfortunately did not realize what happened right away (the details)
The septuagenarian leaves behind three children and two grandchildren. The funeral will take place in the privacy of the family and then in a Buddhist temple in the region of Waterloo.