the dates of intense heat –

Fa heat throughout Italy but how long will it last? And what should we expect for the first few days of August? The updated weather forecast is provided by the colonel Mario Giuliacci which explains how there is a heat wave these days with temperatures even higher than 34-35 degrees. This is the second wave and will last until August 2-3, says the expert in a video on the YouTube channel MeteoGiuliacci. It will not hit all regions equally. It will be felt “especially in the Lazio, Umbria, Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna e islands greater, less in the South and in the North of Italy”, explains Giuliacci.

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We are talking about values ​​of around 35 degrees with peaks of 40 in the hottest regions, but “then there will be a phase in which the temperature will return to around 30 degrees, between August 3rd and 5th”, explains the well-known meteorologist. But it doesn’t end here, because a third heat wave “between August 6 and 10,” Giuliacci announces, “which this time will involve all of Italy with temperatures above 34 degrees.” When will the rains arrive to break the trend? “In the second or perhaps even third decade of August,” is Giuliacci’s prediction.

#dates #intense #heat #Tempo
2024-07-31 21:57:59



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