the date of the change of pace –

The drop in temperatures has taken Italians by surprise. If the heat seemed destined to dominate the forecasts for a long time, the second half of September was characterized by heavy rains and abnormal temperatures. This was also confirmed by Colonel Mario Giuliacci, who in his last speech described the days we are experiencing as “decidedly autumnal in flavour”. “Is this unusual cold destined to last a long time or should we expect the return of summer heat soon?”, asked the expert, re-proposing a common question.

Summer is over: Giuliacci doesn't waste time. Where it will rain more

As you can read on and according to the most up-to-date projections, the drop in temperatures will characterize the weather picture for a while longer: “Until Friday, temperatures will generally remain below normal,” the well-known atmospheric physicist anticipated. Then, however, the change of pace. Over the weekend, “the Peninsula will be affected by a general rise in temperatures that will bring temperatures almost everywhere back to normal values ​​for the period,” he explained.

Endless Autumn. Giuliacci: When the Bad Weather Ends, Watch Out for Weather Disturbances

What does it mean? What should we expect? Giuliacci clarified: “There will be no major shocks and temperatures will continue to fluctuate around the typical values ​​of the period. Only in the last days of the month is a slight increase in temperatures expected, which however will reach values ​​only slightly above the norm: in short”. The possibility of a new heat wave has been ruled out. “It doesn’t even have the end of the month”, Giuliacci concluded.

#date #change #pace #Tempo
2024-09-20 06:40:13



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