The date and place of the explosion of the stray Chinese missile.. 20 tons threatens the earth

As if the world lacked a new catastrophe – besides epidemics, fires, torrents, wars and famines – some Chinese media outlets came out with strange news for humanity, which is that China’s stray missile in space It will not fall this time in the water like the last missile, but it may fall on July 31 in a populated area, and I also specified the cities in which the missile will choose one of them to fall in.

China launched a Long March 5B rocket from Hainan Island on Sunday, carrying a payload bound for the Tiangong Space Station.

and spent The missile weighed 23 tonsabout eight minutes into the flight, before he released the payload and dumped his main 20-tonne booster, putting it in temporary orbit.

Chinese missile before launch

Monitoring reports revealed preparations for the missile’s return and uncontrolled re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere.

According to The Independent, Independent The wreckage of a Chinese rocket has delivered the module of the Wentian space station, which was launched last Sunday, and was safely connected to the Tiangong Space Station.

The European Space Agency has predicted a “risk zone” that includes “any part of the Earth’s surface between 41.5 north and 41.5 south latitudes,” CNN reported. CNN.

Possible locations for the fall of the stray Chinese missile

Possible locations for the fall of the stray Chinese missile

Those coordinates covered a wide area of ​​Earth, including North America south of New York, South America, Africa, Australia, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain, and regions in Asia south of Japan were potential sites for space debris.

And the US Space Command revealed the date of the fall of the remnants of the huge Chinese rocket.

She said that it is expected to fall to the ground next week, specifically next Monday, stressing that it is tracking its path, moment by moment, to determine the place where it is expected to fall to the ground.

Many countries were quick to accuse China of negligence, led by the United States of America. Some countries even demanded international sanctions against Beijing, as a result of these missile tests.

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It also warned those countries that there are fears that missile debris may fall over a populated area, stressing that China has not committed to reducing risks to people and property, but many space research sites such as “Space” Space They quoted scientists as underestimating the risk of missile debris falling in populated areas.

However, NASA said that China failed to “respond to internationally accepted standards in the field.”

Chinese missile launch

Chinese missile launch

“Space-faring nations must reduce the risks to people and property on Earth from the re-entry of space objects and increase transparency regarding these operations,” the agency director said.

The researchers believe that there is a 10% chance of casualties in the coming years, as it is the third time that China has let a missile land on the ground without its control.

And the whole world watched with concern, a crisis China’s out-of-control missile “Long March Bee”, before the middle of the year 2021, which for days roamed the earth from its east and west.

At the same time, the matter turned into a new political confrontation between China and a number of Western countries, in light of several accusations of negligence, as it was impossible to determine the location of the missile landing, as the debris orbited the Earth once every 90 minutes.

Next year, China plans to launch a space telescope with a field of view 350 times greater than the Hubble Space Telescope of the US space agency “NASA.” The telescope will be placed in the same orbit as the Tiangong station, allowing the station to dock with it for refueling and service when needed.

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