the data that unmasks the left –

Migrants landing in Italy have dropped by 62.36% since the beginning of the year to July 31, totaling 33,480: in the same period in 2023, arrivals had been 88,939. These are the data contained in the Viminale 2024 Ferragosto dossier. In the face of the reduction in migratory flows, equal to 64% in the central Mediterranean and 75% along the Balkan route, there has been a parallel increase in arrivals along the Western and Eastern Mediterranean routes, which have specifically affected Spain and Greece.

Meloni, the final rush for the European Commissioner begins

According to Frontex data, 29,196 landings were recorded in the first seven months of the year in Spain, +153% compared to the same period in 2023, and 29,673 landings were recorded in Greece from 1 January to 31 July 2024, equal to +57% compared to the first seven months of 2023. 58,578 departures of irregular migrants were blocked by Libya (12,548) and Tunisia (46,030) while 3,079 migrants were repatriated since the beginning of the year (+19.71%). 1,525 people arrived in Italy, mainly Afghans, Syrians and Eritreans, through legal access channels.

In the fight against human traffickers, 118 arrests have been made since the beginning of the year, including 40 smugglers and 78 traffickers, with an increase of 10% compared to the previous year in the face of the already reported significant contraction in landings, said the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi in connection from the Viminale with the operations rooms of the Police Forces, the Fire Brigade, the Department of Civil Protection, the Port Authorities and the Local Police of Rome Capital.

#data #unmasks #left #Tempo
2024-08-17 16:12:34



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