“The Dark Side of Ties: Health Risks and Precautions for Fashionable Professionals”

2023-05-03 06:12:52

Have ties always existed? The answer is obviously no. It is not necessary to go back to the Neanderthals to understand their appearance. Indeed, the origin of the tie dates back to 1660, when it was worn by the horsemen of the Croatian army, in the form of a red scarf tied around the neck. The French adopted it and called it “cravat”. Since then, it has undergone constant evolution and has become a symbol of elegance and professionalism.

The dangers of ties: what do the studies say?

Is wearing a tie really good for your health? Although it represents a certain level of sophistication, ties could pose certain health risks. According Science Focus, they can carry more bacteria from doctor to patient than shirt sleeves. Additionally, ties that are too tight have been found to increase eye pressure, which could lead to an increased risk of glaucoma.

Ties and blood circulation

A study carried out in 2018 revealed that ties that are too tight may also reduce blood flow to the brain by 7.5%. However, the body has mechanisms to safely counteract this change in pressure. Problems arise when other health factors make it harder for the body to cope with these changes, such as in people who are obese, smokers, or have high blood pressure.

When should you take off your tie?

If you start to feel headaches, dizziness or nausea, take off your tie. You won’t be the first to do this, especially at events like weddings. At the end of the day, it’s essential to find a balance between elegance and well-being, being careful not to tighten your tie too much and remaining attentive to signs of discomfort.

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Ties, symbols of elegance and professionalism, can also pose health risks. Studies have shown that ties that are too tight can increase eye pressure, reduce blood flow to the brain, and transmit more bacteria between doctors and patients. It is therefore important to find a balance between aesthetics and comfort, adjusting your tie correctly and being attentive to signs of discomfort. If in doubt, do not hesitate to loosen or remove your tie to preserve your well-being.

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