The Dark Side of Diet Cola: Teeth Damage, Weight Gain, and Addiction

2023-06-11 04:36:12

Studies have shown that drinking diet cola, which is a sugar-free soft drink, can be bad for your teeth, lead to weight gain and is very addictive.

Many of these side effects begin to appear within one hour of drinking it.

In the first 10 minutes, the acid starts to damage your teeth and can lead to enamel cracks and sensitivity over time.

As for weight gain, the side effects of diet cola may start following 20 minutes.

Douglas Tweenfor, Head of Care at Diabetes British, says: “Studies of the effect of artificial sweeteners on insulin production have had mixed results, with some showing more insulin being produced. Results can vary depending on the artificial sweetener used and whether the test subjects suffer from diabetes.”

And following 40 minutes of drinking Diet Coke, your body can get addicted.

The combination of caffeine and aspartame creates an addiction similar to the way cocaine works, as it increases the stimulation of nerve receptors in the brain, especially if taken on a regular basis.

The fourth side effect that you may feel is thirst and hunger.

About an hour following drinking the drink, you may feel more thirsty, because caffeine is dehydrating.

A Coca-Cola spokesperson told The Sun: “Diet Coke has been enjoyed by millions of people around the world for more than 30 years, and as with all the drinks we sell, its ingredients are completely safe and can be enjoyed as part of a lifestyle.” balanced”.

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