The Dark Side of Bubble Tea: Addiction and Mental Health Risks Revealed – Chinese Study

2023-10-04 20:16:16

Very popular, bubble tea is actually more harmful to your health than you think! A Chinese study has just published the results of its investigation proving possible dependence on this milk drink as well as the proven link between said dependence and mental health problems.

Bubble tea, this milk tea and tapioca pearl drink that has gained many fans around the world in recent years, is actually not as good for your health as you might think. If nutritionists very often give their recommendations on drinks that are more or less good for our body, such as the drink to consume to lower blood pressure, a new study on bubble tea has shaken up the preconceptions regarding this drink.

A study which was carried out by a team of researchers from the Central University of Finance and Economics of China and Tsinghua and which proved the possibility of addiction to this drink when consumed excessively. This investigation was made public in the Journal of Affective Disorders and claims that there is a link between addiction to this drink which appeared in Taiwan in the 1980s and mental health. Mental health problems that result in anxiety, but also guilt and depression.

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More than 50% of young study participants were classified as addicts

More than 5,000 young people between 15 and 24 years old living in Beijing claiming to consume bubble tea at least once a week took part in the study. To confirm addiction, researchers used a diagnostic and statistical manual of mental and psychiatric disorders called the DSM-5 which takes into account several criteria to confirm whether there is dependence or not. A tool that made it possible to assess the level of dependence of participants in more than 50% of the panel: “Results indicate that consumption of bubble tea may lead to symptoms of addiction, including frequency, dependence/craving, intention to quit, inability to quit, tolerance, and feelings of guilt».

They also noted a link between this level of excessive consumption of bubble tea with a significant risk of depression, suicidal ideation and anxiety. A link which has not yet been clearly identified, but which indicates that people already suffering from loneliness may have a tendency to more strongly develop this feeling of dependence for what they consider to be something “comforting ». The researchers of the study nevertheless indicate that these results need to be further investigated and that new work should be launched to refute or confirm these results.

The people? A whole world! Passionate regarding the media, networks, series, films, and investigative investigations of all kinds, it was natural that Jessica turned to writing and that she takes…

#Depression #anxiety.. #study #warns #bubble #tea #addicts #risks #mental #health



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