The Dangers of Sleeping on Your Stomach: A Comprehensive Guide to Healthy Sleep Positions

2023-12-22 22:30:02

Sleeping on the stomach at night is extremely harmful. The most common of these is spinal collapse. Learn regarding them all until you make the decision not to sleep that way once more. This position may be comfortable for many, but temporary rest with fatigue and future damage is not good, so do not let sleeping on the stomach steal your health. Your body becomes exhausted while you do not feel it, and you have many sleeping positions in front of you that are beneficial and do not cause harm.

Sleeping on the stomach at night is extremely harmful. The most common is spinal collapse. Learn regarding it

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There is a constant link between sleeping on the stomach and various damages, especially related to the spine and others. Below we explain some of these damages:

Sleeping on the stomach harms the spine

  • Sleeping on the stomach due to some kind of pressure on the spine, which may lead to feeling pain in the back or neck and all joints of the body.
  • This pain resulting from this sleeping position may cause discomfort, and the person may wake up at night or feel very tired in the morning, especially while performing the usual activities of the day.
  • Many spinal diseases, such as herniated disks and others, are caused by sleeping on the stomach for long hours.

Sleeping on the stomach harms the neck

  • Sleeping on the stomach automatically causes a person to tilt his head to one side in order to breathe, and this causes an imbalance in the alignment of the neck and spine.
  • Lack of alignment of the spine and neck during sleep causes many problems over time and repeated sleeping positions, such as disc herniation.

Harmful effects of sleeping on the stomach for pregnant women

  • In general, sleeping on the stomach is prohibited for pregnant women, especially in the last months.
  • The reason for this is that a pregnant woman sleeping on her stomach causes pressure on the spine, and this pressure will affect the fetus in the womb.
  • In any case, doctors advise pregnant women to sleep on the left side because this helps blood and nutrition flow to the fetus, and this position also helps the fetus and mother get enough oxygen.

Healthy sleeping positions

We learned how harmful sleeping on the stomach is, so we will review together the best healthy sleeping positions as follows:

Sleeping on the back

  • The number one healthy sleeping position, yet only 8% of people around the world practice it.
  • This position helps maintain the health of the neck and spine throughout the sleep period.
  • It also protects the body from acidity and heartburn.
  • However, it is not suitable for those suffering from sleep apnea, as it increases the severity of the snoring problem, and may be uncomfortable for the vast majority of people.

Sleeping on one side

  • This position helps protect the neck and spine, as it ensures that they stretch straight and healthy during sleeping hours.
  • It greatly reduces the severity of snoring if the person suffers from it.
  • Some studies have proven that it helps increase the efficiency of brain work.
  • It is the ideal position for sleep apnea patients.
  • There are no health problems related to this position except following opinions that say that it increases the appearance of wrinkles on the face.

Sleeping in the fetal position

  • It is a favorite position for many people, especially children.
  • In this position, the person sleeps on one of his sides, curled up on himself, like the fetus in the mother’s womb.
  • It is considered one of the best sleeping positions for pregnant women and greatly reduces the severity of snoring.
  • But some scientific studies say that sleeping in the fetal position may cause fatigue upon waking, some breathing problems, and pain in the hips.

Tips for sleeping on the stomach with minimal damage

Sometimes a person cannot get rid of the habit of sleeping on his stomach, and he cannot fall into a sleep spiral without it. For the least harm when applying it, we recommend the following:

  • Sleeping on a firmer mattress than those who sleep in different positions.
  • Use a thin pillow or sleep without a pillow at all.
  • Avoid raising one of your feet as this is very damaging to the violence.
  • Place a pillow under the pelvis to relieve pressure on the spine.
  • Do gentle stretching movements when you wake up.

Why do beauty experts warn women once morest sleeping on their stomach?

Cosmetic doctors believe that the worst sleeping position for a woman is sleeping on her stomach, for the following reasons:

  • Sleeping on the stomach puts pressure on the chest bones between the breast and the mattress.
  • This pressure on the breast leads to sagging, so women must stay away from this sleeping position as long as they want to enjoy attractive breasts.

Can sleeping on the stomach cause death?

There are no confirmed scientific studies that directly link sleeping on the stomach to death, but the following must be taken into account:

  • Stay away from this position when suffering from sleep apnea because it increases the complications of the problem.
  • It is never recommended to sleep on the stomach for those who suffer from heart disease, as this may cause a truly fatal attack.

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