The Dangers of Misusing Pregabalin: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding its Addictive, Harmful Effects

2023-05-17 15:01:00

This medicine, most often marketed under the name Lyrica, is an antileptic which is sold illegally and which has addictive effects, which are harmful to health and can lead to death.

A diverted drug molecule that has for some time become the “poor man’s new drug”.

Pregabalin is now sold on the streets at low prices. Yet this drug is dangerous with devastating effects.

What is pregabalin used for?

Pregabalin sold under the name Lyrica but which is also marketed as generics is a drug which is prescribed to treat epilepsy, anxiety disorders and neuropathic pain, mainly if it affects the lower extremities.

The sale of the molecule has been authorized in France since 2004. This medicine can only be delivered on prescription.

Misuse, diversion: ANSES reacts

Faced with a diversion of pregabalin, theAnsm, the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines has decided to take action to limit this misuse and the resulting risks.

In 2021, to obtain this medication you must have a secure prescription and the prescription period is limited to six months. But it was not enough.

Resale in the street and an attractive cost

This molecule is highly sought after because it is inexpensive. The box of 56 capsules is sold between 4.5 euro and 21 euro depending on the dosage, as reported RTL.

Each pill is then resold under the counter for around 2 euros on the street.

Consumers diverting the drug are mostly young men aged 27 on average, but also minors, buyers in precarious situations, and some placed in detention or administrative detention centers.

The effects sought by drug addicts

The diverted use of the molecule is essentially aimed athigh or euphoria but also aimed anxiolytic, analgesic or hypnotic.

The effects are disinhibits and stimulants.

“In more than half of the cases, it is thus associated with another substance, mainly a benzodiazepine (65%), in particular clonazepam”, explains the Ansm.

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Before adding that pregabalin is obtained illegally in almost half of the cases with falsified prescriptions and by the deal.

Coma, respiratory failure, death… the dangers

The molecule has a strong dependence, an addiction that is not easy to get rid of. People dependent on the drug may haveaggressiveness or some psychiatric or suicidal disorders.

Side effects are dizzinessfrom somnolencehypertension, consciousness disordersdisorientation, confusion.

Untilrespiratory failure, coma and death. Numerous cases of overdoses have been identified by the Ansm.

Because pregabalin lowers the threshold of tolerance to opioids, users take more of them in too large doses by taking them with others.

“The dosage is 25 mg, there people use it at 300 mg so it’s a high dose (…). Taking this drug exposes people to a real danger of death”, says Dr Saïd Ouichou to France info.

Offered in the streets

Pregabalin is offered in many cities in France where it is wreaking havoc.

In Paris, Marseille and Toulouse, consumers are more and more numerous and expose themselves to reckless risks.

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