The Dangerous Power of Words: From Trump’s Rhetoric to Global Impact

2023-11-15 05:00:00

Donald Trump, like a master of decadent rhetoric, spits his venom by calling his political opponents “vermin”. An outburst denounced by the Biden clan, which points out the nauseating shadow of Hitler and Mussolini in his words. We cannot ignore that in the dark hours of humanity, when Nazi Germany was plotting the extermination of six million Jews, it was this same dehumanizing lexicon that was brandished, transforming millions of lives into dust in the eyes. of the world.

Human animals

When we anathematize a political adversary, an “enemy” nation, as “vermin” or worse, as “human animals” – as the Minister of Defense in Israel recently did – this is not the case. It’s not just about scoring political points. The objective goes well beyond: it is a question of erasing the humanity behind the figure attacked, of making people forget that there is a human being behind the political adversary. Comparing your opponents to vermin expresses an abysmal contempt for life in general and a crass indifference towards human dignity.

The worst tragedies in our history, from the Holocaust to the Rwandan genocide, began with words, spoken at first timidly, then shamelessly hammered into concrete horror. Radio Mille Collines in Kigali orchestrated the massacre of Tutsis, calling them infamous “cockroaches” on the airwaves. A genocide that cost the lives of nearly a million people.


This lexical poison, spread by unscrupulous politicians, is a creeping threat that corrupts the very foundations of society. History has taught us that words can be deadly harbingers of tragedies to come. The Rwandan genocide and the Holocaust are not relics of the past, but gaping scars reminding us that failure to suppress this toxic language can have devastating consequences.

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History, cruel mistress, seems to repeat itself. We have not learned the power of words. Even today, we tolerate politicians wallowing in this lexical field, with complete impunity, with icy indifference. When will there finally come a salutary awakening to this linguistic peril?

#Trumps #words #cost #lives

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