The damages of excessive eating of prickly pears .. Beware, it causes diseases

it is known that Figs It grows in very hot, sunny climates, and it is also known to be one of the most important foods on which the Mexican diet depends, in addition to being recommended for its ability to treat diabetes, and although it has many benefits, its excessive intake causes many harms.

Disadvantages of eating too much prickly pear

Excessive consumption of prickly pear can cause some minor side effects, including:

Stomach upsets.


feeling bloated

Feeling of headache.

Also, excessive intake of prickly pear can cause many damages and risks, especially if you suffer from diabetes, it is necessary at that time to stay away from taking prickly pear supplements, except after consulting your physician.

You should also refrain from eating the prickly pear before resorting to surgery.

So far, there is no research that proves the harms of eating prickly pears on children or pregnant and lactating women.

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