The Daily Routine of Prime Minister Alexander De Croo: A dad, a husband, and a politician

2023-11-28 07:01:00

Alexander De Croo, our Prime Minister, was the exceptional guest of Martin Buxant, Tuesday morning on bel RTL. He talked about his book, Why the best is yet to come, but he also talked about his daily life, at his home in Brakel.

What’s a dad/husband/PM routine when you’re not in the Middle East or Ukraine? What do you do in the morning?

“I wake up around 6:30 a.m., we wake the children a little before 7 a.m. There is one who has decided that his dad can no longer drive him to school; so he goes by bus or by bike. Then there is the other that, two days a week, I bring to school; and it’s a good habit, we have time to talk for 10 minutes in the car. But I know that when I walk towards the “school, 100 meters from the door, it’s better that I stop and leave him alone otherwise he gets a little angry”he laughs.

alexander de croo 7h50 Martin Buxant

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