The CYD 2023 Report: Analysis of University Preference Rates for Veterinary and Medical Studies

2023-12-13 15:42:24

The CYD 2023 Report indicates that to study Veterinary Medicine there are 8.5 requests per place, while in Medicine the figure is just over 13.

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The university degree in Veterinary Medicine is the second in preference rate among Spanish students, only surpassed by Medicine. This is indicated by the CYD Report 2023which has just been published, and which offers a complete diagnosis of the Spanish university while proposing lines of improvement in order to promote the university’s contribution to economic and social development.

The report indicates that to study Veterinary Medicine there are 8.5 requests per place, while in Medicine the figure is just over 13. This is followed by Nursing (4.6), Psychology and Sports (both around 3.3). Mathematics and statistics have a rate of 2.7 demands per place; in Life Sciences and Physical, Chemical and Geological Sciences, it is around 2 and in Computer Science it is 1.8.

Preference rates have increased by more than 100 percentage points in Medicine (more than 500, in fact), Veterinary Medicine, Nursing and Psychology, and 90 in Mathematics and Statistics. This has been due in all cases to the fact that demand has skyrocketed, above 30%, which in the case of veterinary medicine and psychology has been added to the decrease in the places offered.

Considering the dropout rate of the study in the first year, Veterinary Medicine stands out along with Education and Health with the lowest values, while on the other hand, this rate exceeded 25% in Social Sciences, Journalism and Documentation.

As far as adaptation rates are concerned, along with Veterinary Medicine (90% of those who enroll have chosen this subfield as their first option) and Medicine (85%), Arts and Humanities stand out (85%) with the highest rates. High: due to the low demand per place, the percentage of those who can study degrees in this field chosen as the first option is high.

If the temporal evolution in the last 10 years of the relative participation of women among undergraduate university enrollees by fields of study is analyzed, the increase in the primary sector and Veterinary Medicine (entirely due to the latter), Education, Arts and Humanities stands out. , Social Sciences, Journalism and Documentation, Computer Science and Engineering, Industry and Construction.


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