If you are one of those people who boast that they spend N number of hours working tirelessly, because you think that makes you a professional and successful worker, I have news for you: you are digging your own grave.
It is terrifying that our society still denies a great truth: the corporate culture of working without rest, is what has overwhelmed a crisis of burned employees at a global level. Social networks are largely to blame for this, since the need to always show ourselves busy, successful, and that in our busy schedule does not fit even a pin has been made visible.
This mentality of constantly seeking to compare ourselves with what the other does, of making our social networks a compliment to burnoutand maximizing even the smallest work we do, has caused us to depreciate the value of situations in our daily lives that are so important to our health and well-being, such as those casual encounters with friends, or those short walks in the middle of the followingnoon.
We insist on juggling, becoming all things and filling our schedules to the brim, praying that our day would be 50 hours so that we might cover all the pending tasks, while accepting more things than we can really handle, for fear of letting people down. who ask us for favors, without realizing the enormous danger to which we are exposing our health.
We believe that if we do not always take a step forward, then no one else will take the reins of some work projects, adding more pressure than we already have with our own tasks, because at the end of the day; We have the mistaken perception that if our working day is not long and exhausting, then we are not advancing in our professional career. Fatal mistake.
We have to work on changing the perception of work, for which we mistakenly use the word “sacrifice”, because many times we do not realize that what we are sacrificing precisely is our health. It’s worth it? I think not, because the price to pay is very high.
We must learn to build limits in favor of our physical and mental health. When we take our life routine to the limit to break them, usually; people experience a traumatic event, which is what really makes them stop, when it’s really too late. Please don’t go to that point.
Take care of yourself.
Entrepreneur and social entrepreneur. Author of eight bestsellers on leadership, entrepreneurship, and personal development, including “The Power of Listening” and “Wake up with Cala.” He is president and founder of Cala Enterprises Corporation and the Ismael Cala Foundation. Twitter: @cala. Instagram: ismaelcala. Facebook: Ismael Cala. www.IsmaelCala.com.
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