The CSDM opposes article 46 – MALI24

Through a press release, the National Executive Bureau and all the activists of the Superior Council of the Malian Diaspora (CSDM) say that they have taken note of the content of the Draft New Constitution and note with great disappointment that article 46 whose CSDM fiercely opposed was carried over into the final version.
According to the CSDM, its fight for this article aimed to take into account the question of the dual nationality of Malians established abroad.
As a reminder, the CSDM recommends that the elected president renounce his non-Malian nationality, but before the presidential election, explains the press release.
Continuing, the CSDM wishes to reassure the Malians of the Diaspora that it will continue its fight for the modification of article 46 by appropriate national legal means.
Despite the non-satisfaction of all of its concerns, the CSDM congratulates the authorities of the transition for having taken into account the demand which consists in the participation of the Diaspora in the National Assembly as a Constitutional right.
To conclude, the CSDM calls on its militants and sympathizers and the Malians established abroad to popularize intensively the project of the New Constitution, in the constant concern to work for the success of the transition.
O. Forna
Source : Mali24.infos

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