the creepy dossier –

Rita Cavallaro

Paola, Federica, Claudia. There are not only Emanuela Orlandi and Mirella Gregori among the girls who vanished into thin air in that summer of 1983. Closer the circle on that cesspool that seems to have swallowed up the other Orlandis is the lawyer Valter Biscotti, who commissioned an investigation to Neurointelligence, the criminology company of Professor Franco Posa, who, together with his collaborator Jessica Leone, drew up the list of 15 very young people, of the same age and with similar characteristics to the Vatican citizen, who disappeared between May and June 1983 in a 5 kilometer radius from San Pietro.

Emanuela Orlandi, Father Georg and the dossier to the Pope: someone knows the truth

Now that report will be delivered to the parliamentary commission of inquiry into the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi and Mirella Gregori, established in recent weeks and chaired by the Fratelli d’Italia senator, Andrea De Priamo. The lawyer Biscotti will hand over the dossier on the 15 very young girls who vanished into thin air to the documents in the next few days. «I have asked myself several times whether the disappearance of Emanuela and Mirella are isolated cases and somehow connected. Kilometers The radius within which the 15 teenagers apparently disappeared between May and June of 1983. For this reason I commissioned Dr. Franco Posa’s Neurointeligence Institute – explained the criminal lawyer – to carry out a study to verify whether other girls had disappeared in the same period. The result was astonishing: other girls with an average age of 16 actually disappeared in a small radius, close to the places where the other girls disappeared. Maybe it’s not just the disappearances of Mirella and Emanuela, but something else”, feared the lawyer Biscotti. Mirella Gregori, 15 years old, was lost on 7 May 1983, the day on which the girl left home in the followingnoon, telling her mother that she had an appointment with a friend in Porta Pia.

Always an encounter with a stranger is the element that opens the mystery of Emanuela Orlandi, kidnapped on May 22nd while she was returning home following followingnoon music lessons. A mystery that has been going on for four decades with twists and setbacks, given that Emanuela was a Vatican citizen and her brother Pietro Orlandi never gave up, focusing the spotlight on the alleged involvement of figures from the Holy See . So much so that many shadows have gathered over the affair, fueled by numerous leads ranging from the Banda della Magliana to the money of the IOR, by open and closed investigations at the Rome Prosecutor’s Office, by the search for Emanuela’s remains even in the tomb of Renatino De Pedis, the boss of the criminal gang that had taken over the capital in those years, and whose coffin was incredibly buried in the church of Sant’Apollinaire. It was opened, but Emanuela’s body was not there, just as the opening of two ossuaries in the Teutonic cemetery was a complete loss. There, however, an underground room was brought to light, built in reinforced concrete to guard something secret. Perhaps emptied before opening, as revealed by messages between two high prelates delivered to Peter. In short, many leads for the parliamentary commission of inquiry to follow.

The mystery revolves around...: Orlandi, the anonymous letter to Tgr Lazio

Which now, in addition to the allegations of an informer who would have linked the disappearance of Emanuela and Mirella to a pedophilia ring in the Church which would involve other young people, can count on the criminologists’ dossier. The report analyzed the 34 reports of very young people between May and June 1983 and narrowed down to 13 those who disappeared in similar circumstances and with similar characteristics to Mirella and Emanuela. From via Piave al Celio, between 14 and 17 years old: Simona, Anna, Luciana and Paola never returned home.

#creepy #dossier #Tempo
2024-05-03 12:00:41



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