The creators of Guardians of the Galaxy: Game Pass release and word of mouth are positive

As bad as Marvel’s Avengers came out, it was just as much of a pleasant surprise Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxybut, unfortunately, due to the failure of the first and the reluctance of Square Enix to invest in marketing, the initial sales of the game did not live up to the publisher’s expectations.

At the BAFTA Games Awards, Eurogamer had the chance to ask members of the Guardians development team what they think of these results.

Creative director Jean-François Duga stated:

“I have no regrets. We did our best, but that’s the reality of the market… And let’s not forget that this is a new IP. Even if we say Guardians is famous, it’s still a new IP [на рынке видеоигр]. Maybe a lot of people don’t even know the game is already out, or they’re not exactly sure what it is.”

He added that Now the game is doing well, helped by positive word of mouth and a subscription release Xbox Games Pass.

“It’s like with anything. You always want to sell trillions, but it’s not always that easy,” he summed up.

Senior Narrative Director Mary DeMarl agreed with this.

“What I love now is that people, especially with Games Pass, are playing it and sharing it. We make games to move people, to wow the audience. And it’s great that it’s finding its audience, and it’s great, that she keeps moving forward.”

As for the possibility of a sequel, now the team is on vacation and does not look ahead, but did not rule anything out either. In addition, Dugas noted that he already has ideas for a new adventure.

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DeMarle, in turn, stated that she did not like to give anything away for the future, noting only that during the work on the game, these characters became very dear to her.

Read also: Ex-head of PlayStation America: Call of Duty exclusivity doesn’t make financial sense for Microsoft.

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