The creator of “Muchachos” ran out of tickets but was invited to see Argentina – Panama

Although not everyone knows his name, there are almost no Argentines who don’t know the lyrics he created. Is about Fernando Romero, the author of the version of “Muchachos” which was sung during the Qatar World Cup and will be forever linked in the memory of the Selection title.

In the last days, he himself said that he had not been able to get tickets for next Thursday’s friendly match with Panama at the Monumental, where Argentina will celebrate its third star with the public, for the first time in a stadium.

Faced with an enormous demand and the collapse of the website, there were many who were left out of the party, although it seemed incredible that the one who invented the most famous song cannot attend.

That news generated impact on social media and the fans campaigned to ask that Romero be given a ticket for his invaluable contribution.

“I’m not one to mess around, I never messed around at all, neither before, nor during, nor in any note or anything. But I would like to have a contact, to know that they know of my existence, that they know who I am, the possibility of speaking with someone from AFA, leaders, players or whoever. I could not contact anyone and the truth is that for me that is a dream, I would like to be able to fulfill it«, He had said after not obtaining the ticket.

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Finally, Fernando received a special call from AFA and was invited for the match with Panama, an act of justice after the frustration of not getting a ticket.

«It is difficult for me to include thanks in a tweet. Today Chiqui Tapia contacted me to make me part of the party on Thursday“, he wrote on his Twitter account.

“That’s largely thanks to you, who fell in love with the song, and wanted to give me this opportunity. My heart overflows. I love them », she thanked.

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