The cover of the newspaper PROFIL of Sunday, July 2, 2023

2023-07-02 10:41:30

Below we offer a review of the main titles of the 1,836 edition of the PERFIL newspaper, for this Sunday, July 2, 2023, an issue that is accompanied, as every weekend, by 6 supplements that cover the most varied topics, both informative and of entertainment: The Observer, Shows, Buenos Aires Times, Parabrisas, Marie Claire and Joker More Crossword.

Inflation, dollar and growth are the economic challenges for the rest of the year: The second semester begins with the same challenges with which the year began. A survey carried out by PROFILE among the main market consultants revealed coincidences that there will be high inflation even if it slows down and a rise in the official exchange rate. Economists of different orientations foresee a price rise of close to 140% per year, that the official dollar will border $470 by the end of 2023 and a year in which the GDP will have a discouraging performance with a fall of close to 3%. Tensions at the end of the government and for what will come in 2024.

BCRA: reserves would be in the red for some US$ 3.5 billion: The international reserves of the Central Bank are in the worst moment since the beginning of the government of Alberto Fernández. After the payment to the IMF, they closed June at 27,933 million dollars, the lowest level in the last nine years.

San Juan: Uñac and the PJ seek to retain and JxC intends to surprise: The province of San Juan will have elections for the governorship this Sunday, following the electoral calendar was postponed as a result of the decision of the Supreme Court to prohibit Governor Sergio Uñac, go for a new mandate. Nearly 600,000 voters are qualified.

Report by Jorge Fontevecchia: Juan Grabois: “Operative clamor was an unconscious boycott of Wado de Pedro by those who should support him”: In the midst of the surprising announcement of the unity formula formed by the current Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa; and the Chief of Staff, Agustín Rossi, and following Wado de Pedro and Ambassador Daniel Scioli dropped their candidacy, he decided to keep his word and be the candidate for president that represents “the children of the decimated generation”, a phrase that he does not like it and clarifies: “Biologically, we are, but politically we are children of 2001, because that is our history.” He says he is aware that his candidacy legitimizes Sergio Massa’s, just as Scioli’s legitimizes Wado de Pedro: “I was absolutely clear, I had a candle lit for Pichichi.” More content and talkative than ever, knowing that fortune gave him an unexpected opportunity, he concludes by saying: “When it comes to power, for power itself, it’s cheap, it’s little power.”

Trials of the first effective treatment once morest Alzheimer’s disease advance: Plasmapheresis, the filtering of blood components, is a type of treatment that has been used for years as a therapy for various diseases. Recently, in various medical centers, including those in Argentina, its effectiveness is being tested once morest Alzheimer’s disease, a pathology that is growing globally and does not have an effective cure. The results that this type of therapy is showing are promising and serve to slow down the progression of the disease in people with mild or moderate Alzheimer’s. The doctors are hopeful, but they warn that it still needs to be set up.

The loneliness epidemic: The covid brought more than one pandemic. The first, the one that made the chinstrap part of the daily outfit. The second, which continues to this day, is the loneliness pandemic. Declared a public health epidemic, loneliness increases the risk of death by 30%. Younger people use dating apps, but like a boomerang, not only do they not decrease the feeling of loneliness, they increase it.

Provincial elections mark pro-government favoritism: So far, there have been 15 provincial elections in which only two STEPs were contested. Except for Neuquén and San Luis, the officialisms were revalidated where they provincialized the campaign, shielding the local scene from the national one. In Chaco, there were primaries and there is an open final, although Capitanich was the most voted. This month: STEP in Santa Fe and Entre Ríos.

Deputies for UVA credits are reactivated: After three months of empty space, the Lower House will meet once more next Wednesday with the discussion on the future of UVA credit holders at the top of the agenda. This is an issue that has been dragging on for at least a year, given the concern of those who took out the credits in this modality and today it is practically impossible to settle them due to rising inflation.

Only in 6% of companies is a woman in charge: Women represent only 16% of the boards of Argentine companies and only 6.55% of these are headed by a female director, according to a survey. made by KPMG among 6 thousand signatures. A forum organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and in which entrepreneurs from this country and Germany participated, which was held virtually this week, presented association projects aimed at achieving equal participation in senior positions and in the decision-making processes of the major players in the private sector in both nations.

They write in this issue:

Nelson Castro, Roberto García, Jaime Duran Barba, Carlos Fara, Carlos De Angelis, Luis Gusmán, Ingerflom, Oropeza, Piro, Almada, Ibarlucía, Staudenmann, Argüello, Rodríguez Loredo, Blanco, Sinay, Giusto, Kavanagh, Varela, Bordigoni, Gustavo González, Ayerdi, Spillman, Garabetyan, Nieva, Mozetic, Gallo, Gómez, Quintín, Tabarovsky, Seoane, Melgar, Zabala, Lloret, Domínguez, Ise, Calvo, Lopardo, Curia, Froidevaux, Lanzani, Bianco, Petrarca and J.Fontevecchia.

#cover #newspaper #PROFIL #Sunday #July



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