The courier of telephone scammers was detained after a call to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “Krasnoyarskoye” September 16, 2022 – September 16, 2022

An accidental mistake by phone scammers in Krasnoyarsk cost them a courier.

The call to the press service of the Krasnoyarskoye Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was received during working hours in September 2022, the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Irina Volk said. The caller introduced herself to the employee as the granddaughter who became the culprit of the accident, she cried and asked to transfer a large amount of money so that a criminal case would not be opened against her.

After that, the investigator allegedly picked up the phone and “agreed” with the police officer on the transfer of the amount of 300 thousand rubles.

Photo: MIA Media

“The captain of the internal service immediately realized that she was talking to a fraudster. She asked a colleague to urgently report a dubious call to the criminal investigation department. Meanwhile, she herself continued to communicate with swindlers, playing along with them, ”Volk reports.

The 19-year-old courier who came for the money was met by operational officers. They found out that the young man had already taken money from pensioners aged 85 and 94, who gave him 200,000 rubles before his arrest. According to preliminary data, the Krasnoyarsk citizen transferred the money to the accomplices, leaving a small part for himself.

A criminal case has been initiated under the article “Fraud”. With regard to the detainee, a measure of restraint in the form of detention was chosen.

Photo: MIA Media

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