The Council of the European Union expressed its concern about the worsening of the post-electoral crisis in Venezuela

  • The European authority said that the CNE has not yet presented sufficient evidence to adequately evaluate the electoral process of July 28 | Photo: EFE

The Council of the European Union On August 24, the organization issued a statement indicating that it remains concerned about the worsening of the post-electoral crisis in Venezuela.

The organization explained that to date the National Electoral Council (CNE) has not provided the public evidence necessary to evaluate the electoral process according to the standards indicated by the panel of experts from the United Nations (UN), who visited the country to observe the presidential elections on July 28.

The statement also referred to the ruling by the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) which ratified the results announced by the CNE, in which it declared Nicolás Maduro the winner of the presidential elections.

Photograph of the headquarters of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) | EFE/ Miguel Gutiérrez

“In light of the TSJ ruling, it is worth remembering that the CNE is the body legally and constitutionally responsible for the transparent and detailed publication of the official election results,” the Council agreed.

The statement reiterates that the European body will only recognise complete and independently verified results. The council hopes that respect for the will of the Venezuelan people can be guaranteed.

EU calls again for publication of election records

Citizens participate in the Great World Protest to ratify the triumph of Edmundo González
Photo: The Diary

In the statement, the council said that the European Union continues to urge the CNE to publish all electoral records and to carry out an independent verification of the material.

“The European Union stresses that the UN group of experts has confirmed that a sample of the revised results reports published by the opposition exhibit the security features of the original results reports, confirming their reliability,” added in the writing.

The statement said the EU and its partners will continue to work to demand respect for the will of the Venezuelan people and to facilitate dialogue between the country’s political parties.

They ask that the right to protest be respected

The council called for respect for the right of Venezuelans to peacefully protest and freely express their political views. It added that citizens should exercise these rights without fear of reprisals.

“They must refrain from using excessive force, end repression and harassment of the opposition and civil society, and release all political prisoners,” he said.

Foro Penal reported 429 arrests and 11 deaths in the context of protests since July 29
Photo: EFE

The document concludes with a call for a thorough investigation into human rights violations and for ensuring that those responsible are held accountable.

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2024-08-25 09:27:11



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