Amid the national controversy generated by the rise in electricity bills, which began to be applied as of July 1, El Mercurio conducted an analysis that reveals that local consumers pay an average bill that is more expensive than in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, but cheaper than in Colombia and Peru.

According to a comparative analysis carried out by Usach academics Humberto Verdejo and Rafael Sebastián, for a monthly consumption of 250 kWh, national households pay, as of Monday, July 1, an average rate of $39,461. 20% more than the month before the increase.

In Argentina, the middle segment of the population pays $15,645, in Brazil it pays $31,745 and in Mexico $29,280.

But in Colombia electricity is more expensive. The population pays $61,025 per month for the same level of consumption. While in Peru they spend $48,907 for the same level of demand.

The first adjustment to electricity rates began to be applied on July 1. The second will be made starting next October and the third and last, for now, will be made starting in January 2025.

Electricity rates in Chile were frozen for five years due to the social unrest and the pandemic.