The controversy that animated Martín Arias and that altered the spirits in Chillán

O’Higgins of Rancagua won the tie just a minute before the end of the match. alexander aravena y Nicholas War they gave the victory to Ñublense regarding the “Capo” that thanks to Facundo Barcelo was only a celebration away from matching, so the onslaught of Stephen Moreira With one less player on the field, he had an overflowing celebration.

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Right on the other arch Martin Arias turned around to start yelling at the bar directed by Jaime Garcia. Then he made the gesture of handing over the ball and thus delay the restart of the game, when he walked to the lime line and dropped following receiving coins from the gallery that housed the local fans.

Of course, the hubbub broke out when with his right hand he made another controversial gesture with the game over. There starters and substitutes jumped from their respective sides so that the spirits ended up on one side and the other.

Now the squad of the goalkeeper who defends his third shirt at 30 years old will face the Spanish Union as a visitor next Saturday, October 8, while Ñublense will visit just before Catholic University in a venue to be confirmed.



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