The Controversial Plan to Dump Fukushima’s Treated Nuclear Water: Chinese Journalists Investigate Protest Reactions

2023-06-21 22:00:21

Given the plan to gradually dump more than one million tons of treated water from the rugged Fukushima nuclear power plant is that a Chinese journalistic team came to the city in search of protest reactions to this act.

It became known that the order might probably be issued in a few weeks: dump the wastewater into the ocean. But it’s not the kind of wastewater that flows from city streets into the drains. This is treated nuclear wastewater used to cool damaged reactors at Japan’s F nuclear power plantukushima Daiichi, affected by an earthquake and tsunami more than a decade ago.

A meeting in the Regional Government of Tacna announced that a Chinese journalistic team came to Tacna pointing out that the water, which the Japanese government intends to dump into the Pacific, still contains a large percentage of radioactivity despite Japan indicating otherwise.

According to a Chinese journalist, a considerable amount of water containing nuclear waste would be being dumped in September, which might reach the coasts of the south pacific in less than 57 days once the plan has been executed.

It is Governor Liliana Velazco who emphasized that preventive actions will be carried out through joint work between the Chinese government, South Korea and South American countries such as Chile, Peru, Ecuador and others.


After an earthquake of mrecognized 9,1 On the east coast of the main island of Japan on March 11, 2011, two tsunami waves rushed at the nuclear power plant. When three of its reactors melted down, operators began pumping in seawater to cool the melted fuel. More than 12 years later, the ongoing refrigeration process produces more than 130 tons of contaminated water per day.

Since the accident, more than 1.3 million tons of water residuals nuclear in a tank farm at the plant. According to the Japanese Government, the storage space is at regarding to run out, so there is no choice but to start dumping the wastewater into the Pacific.

The plan of dumping from Japan is to gradually release them over the next three decades, although some experts say it might take longer, given how much is still being produced.

#Chinese #press #arrives #Tacna #release #nuclear #waters #Pacific



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