The Controversial Health of President Gustavo Petro: Revealing Secret Details and Public Concerns

2023-09-04 03:35:31

The health of the President of the Republic, Gustavo Petro Urrego, has been in the public pillory in recent weeks, following the controversy that has arisen in the country due to the constant non-compliance with his weekly agenda and the repeated disappearances.

Ingrid Betancourt’s statements in SEMANA, where she associated her current situation with a dramatic episode that she experienced in the past with the current head of state, further generated the need to know details regarding the president’s health.

Gustavo Petro wants to approve his health reform before the October elections. Congress has its own accounts. | Photo: GUILLERMO TORRES

For this reason, the Congress of the Republic itself and different political sectors have raised the possibility of asking the Colombian president to undergo medical examinations that certify his state of health, to generate greater peace of mind for the country.

“When we were young we were very funny people, when adolescence began there was a brutal change in both him and me. My dad took us to the psychologist and said that we would have autism syndrome, Asperger syndrome, ”he said.

Juan Fernando explained to Nena Arrázola that “there are times when we can be with 10,000 people, but suddenly we are not there, even though we are physically there”, some episodes that might be close to what has been aired regarding President Gustavo Petro.

Those who suffer from this disease, according to medical medicine, can shut themselves up from one moment to the next, spend two or three days without personal contact and sometimes only talk regarding the topics that interest them.

“He inhabits his own universe that is in his head and sometimes the world does not exist out there and his capacity, because he is not even intelligent, from my perspective he is a genius, that separates him from the average of people and not because he is a presumptuous, arrogant, proud but for the same condition, “said Juan Fernando.

Juan Fernando Petro and Gustavo Petro | Photo: Week Magazine

The president’s brother pointed out in the interview that this syndrome may be the cause that makes him live in his own world. “While for many people talking regarding a topic is normal, for him those topics are always in the stratosphere of thought,” he said.

For the first time, Ingrid Betancourt reveals secret details of the day she met Gustavo Petro in Brussels: “He was unaware, he was lying on the living room floor”

He remembers that when he was a congressman he traveled with some colleagues on an official visit to the European Parliament and one of the people in the group knew Gustavo Petro, who at that time was secretary of the Colombian Embassy in Belgium, and suggested they go and say hello. to his house.

He added that seeing that Petro might not act on his own, he then spoke with Mary Luz Herrán and saw how the children, then very young, regarding three years old, ran throughout the house. “I imagine that for the little ones it was normal, because they jumped on top of today’s president, they went around. The wife, embarrassed, saying: ‘Well, what a pity with you, we were waiting for you, but she has not reacted. Come back later.’”

Betancourt insisted that Petro was not conscious and not like a person, for example, sick with the flu, who is usually in his bed and answers questions, which was not the case: “He was out of the loop. She did not react ”.

The former presidential candidate recalled that situation because since then, when Petro held a diplomatic position, representing Colombia, with a public function, he also had absences from work. “What is happening today has a history of long ago (…). For this reason, I believe that the country must become aware. This is not exceptional behavior,” she reiterated.

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