The contours of the new birth leave are being refined

2024-01-23 17:29:25

The outlines of future birth leave are becoming clearer in small steps. While Emmanuel Macron last week gave a boost to this project, already under study, the Elysée on Monday provided some additional indications on the form it should take.

The idea is to create a shorter and better paid leave than the current one, compensated around 430 euros and capable of lasting three years. Scheduled to be launched “during” 2025, after having been included in the next Social Security budget, it should allow you to be “with your child for six months,” the President of the Republic announced to the press last Tuesday.

On Monday, the Elysée mentioned more precisely a leave which will “complement” paternity and maternity leave and will allow parents to be freed from professional constraints “until the child is six months old”.

Additional income from the employer

The stated ambition is “rather” to allow both parents to be on leave together during this period, even if the leave should be able to be taken successively by one then the other. Many questions still need to be adjusted with the social partners and the National Union of Family Associations (Unaf).

So that parents who slow down to give birth are not faced with an excessive drop in income, the project is to “move beyond the logic of a social benefit” to remunerate the parent according to their salary, as for maternity or paternity leave. Social Security could compensate the father or mother up to a maximum of 1,800 euros. However, remuneration could be “supplemented by employers”. This addition would be “possible”.

Replace existing fillet

The new leave is intended to replace the current leave which is “dysfunctional”, because it has seen the number of its beneficiaries fall and is also taken almost exclusively by mothers. The Elysée, however, is careful not to state that parental leave will end on the day the new birth leave is put in place. The “transition modalities” between the systems have not yet been decided.

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The subject will be closely monitored by the unions and the Unaf who deplore that parents often struggle to have their very young child looked after, due to lack of places in crèches or due to the cost of childminders. Those interested have until the adoption of the next Social Security budget in the fall to make their voice heard, with the Minister in charge of Labor, Health and Solidarity, Catherine Vautrin, who will take the file until -there defended by Aurore Bergé.

The reform will also be closely scrutinized by Bercy, which promises to be very vigilant about its cost at a time when the Social Security accounts are already in the red and poised for further slippage.

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