The Constitutional Court will start considering the impeachment of Mr. Gražulis at the beginning of November

The interested parties reported that they had received a summons from the CT to appear at the hearing on November 8.

The impeachment case will be examined in the oral procedure.

Mr. Gražulis himself, his representatives, applicants, etc. are invited to the CT meeting.

On June 1, the Seimas adopted a resolution in which the CT is asked whether the actions of MP P. Gražulis, when he voted for the member of the Seimas sitting next to him without his sight, do not contradict the Constitution.

The Seimas has also confirmed the impeachment commission’s conclusion that there are grounds to start impeachment proceedings against Mr. Gražulis.

The impeachment commission, based on the totality of factual circumstances, found that this politician voted not only for himself, but also for Social Democrat Linas Jonauskas during the evening session on the adoption of the Seimas resolution on September 15, 2022.

Mr. Gražulis claims that he does not remember whether he voted for his colleague, and has called the initiative to impeach him a political crackdown by the ruling majority.

In 2010, due to the fact that the Seimas voted for his colleague Linas Karalais, who was abroad at the time, the impeachment of both Aleksandrs Sacharuks and L. Karalis himself was organized. Then, after the voting, L. Karalius lost his parliamentary mandate, and A. Sacharuk managed to preserve it with a majority of several votes.

Mr. Gražulis is also at risk of impeachment due to the fact that he has been convicted of abuse, because in 2015-2017 he acted in the interests of the frozen food production company “Judex” registered in Kaunas, and illegally interfered in the activities of civil servants in Lithuania and Russia.

Last June, the Court of Appeal of Lithuania announced that the politician had abused the official position of a member of the Seimas and had caused great non-pecuniary damage to the state as a result. The Supreme Court of Lithuania plans to announce the decision in this case on November 7.

In addition, the prosecutors want to file charges against this member of the Seimas for publicly insulting and mocking homosexuals.

#Constitutional #Court #start #impeachment #Gražulis #beginning #November
2024-09-08 14:47:28



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